Jun 27, 2024
Wasatch County Council approved more than $285,000 in grants on Wednesday that it says will fund 13 projects that will enhance trails, arts and parks in Wasatch County. According to a press release from Wasatch County, the Trails, Arts and Parks (TAP) Tax Advisory Board, which is comprised of Wasatch County residents, reviewed and scored each application and recommended that the council award $285,151.95 for this grant cycle, fully or partially funding all 13 applications, and allocate 10% of the total TAP tax collected each year to build reserves. After the current grant cycle awards and a 10% allocation to reserves, the remaining $52,348 will roll over to be available for the next grant cycle, according to the release. “The Wasatch County TAP Tax Board is grateful for the opportunity to steward the money collected for this year’s grant application process,” said Alese Overly, Wasatch County TAP Tax Advisory Board Chair. “We saw multiple collaborative projects that align with our goals to enhance, improve and strengthen our arts, parks and trails. The awarded grant projects will not only significantly impact today’s residents and visitors but also those of tomorrow.” The grant project awardees are as follows: Music Performance & Concert (Lee Music) – $1,550 Heber City Limits House Concerts (Alicia Stockman Music, LLC) – $3,300 Choral Concert Series (Wasatch Camerata Chamber Singers) – $4,500 Homegrown Concert Series (Wasatch County Library) – $5,150 Annual Maintenance for Heber Valley and Wasatch County Singletrack Trails (Wasatch Trails Foundation) – $10,000 Three Projects for the Arts (Arts Around the Square) – $11,195 Springer Hollow DH Mountain Bike Trail (Wasatch Trails Foundation) – $13,000 Jordanelle State Park (Town of Hideout) – $17,000 Timpanogos Valley Theatre Co. (Timpanogos Valley Theater Co.) – $20,000 Charitable Acts Theatre (Wasatch Camerata Chamber Singers) – $34,961.28 BO-WOW Project Alternate Biking and Hiking Trail (Wasatch Trails Foundation) – $35,000 Wasatch Wunder Disc Golf Course at Wasatch Mountain State Park (ElevateUT Disc Golf) – $54,495.67 Veterans Park Pavilion and Skate Park Revamp (Wasatch County Parks & Recreation) – $75,00 For more information on TAP tax or grants, visit Wasatch.utah.gov/TAP.
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