CRRUA says it's passed latest round of arsenic tests
Mar 24, 2025
EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) -- The Camino Real Regional Utility Authority (CRRUA) says it has passed its voluntary monthly arsenic tests for February.
The test results were verified by an independent laboratory, said the utility which provides water and wastewater services to Sunland Park and Santa Ter
Courtesy of CRRUA
According to test results released by Eurofins Environment Testing, a water lab certified by the New Mexico Environment Department, the Sunland Park arsenic treatment facility (ATF) came in at 2.4 parts per billion (ppb), Santa Teresa ATF at 6.2 ppb and Santa Teresa Industrial ATF at 6.7 ppb.
The test results were from samples taken on Feb. 27.
All three facilities were below the Environmental Protection Agency's maximum contaminate level (MCL) of 10 ppb.
CRRU excluded the Border Entry ATF from its monthly testing because of its continued meeting of all state requirements, the utility said.
As of January 2025, all four arsenic treatment facilities (ATFs) operated by CRRUA are state compliant, which means they are below EPA’s MCL for four consecutive quarters, the utility said.
So far this year, CRRUA passed NMED’s first quarter arsenic test, and two monthly voluntary tests as verified by an independent laboratory, the utility said.
In 2024, CRRUA passed 18 arsenic tests including three quarterly NMED tests.
Arsenic tests results are available on the CRRUA website by clicking here. more read less