City issues night construction notice in Clairemont neighborhood
Mar 23, 2025
Starting Sunday night the City of San Diego Public Utilities Department will begin construction at the intersection between Clairemont Dr. and Clairemont Mesa Blvd. The night work will take place from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. each night, and will continue for six weeks.
The intersection will be closed t
o traffic during those hours with detours available for travelers, but is expected to be fully open during non-working hours.
The construction is part of the Pure Water Morena Conveyance South and Middle and Conveyance Bike Lanes project. The project, expected to be completed by 2035, is to install water purification technology to clean recycled water, produce safe drinking water, and to provide a sustainable water supply for San Diego residents.
Map provided by the City of San Diego Public Utilities Department shows the traffic detour due to planned night-construction in Clairemont.
Crews will install two underground pipelines connecting the Morena Pump Station at Sherman and Custer Streets in Bay Park with the Morena Pipelines Northern Alignment in University City, according to a press release from the city.
In order to install the pipelines, work will include using large excavators to dig the trench and the city has warned residents in the area that they may hear some noise during the construction.
The city advices that those traveling through the intersection expect and plan for some delays. They are also asking that drivers and pedestrians follow all posted signage.
For more information on this project check out the construction notice and those with questions can contact the city by emailing or calling this number: 833-667-7973. more read less