North Carolina Forest Service issues statewide burn ban, warns of dry conditions
Mar 22, 2025
GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) -- The North Carolina Forest Service put out a state-wide burn ban Friday due to dry spring conditions increasing the risks for fires to spread.
The forest service hopes to remind people to make good decisions, especially after the recent wildfires we've seen across the st
ate. The ban means no open burning anywhere in North Carolina.
"We always tell folks to never burn on dry, windy days. Days where those relative humidity levels are lower, when you see in those 20s, teens or even single digits, those factors are pretty much the perfect recipe to have a wildfire spread very quickly," N.C. Forest Service Public Information Officer Phillip Jackson said.
Anyone violating the burn ban faces a $100 fine plus additional fines, court costs and the cost of putting out the fire. more read less