HAMPTON ROADS, Va. (WAVY) — Unless you've been living under a rock for the month of March, you can see that spring has sprung in Hampton Roads.
Plants and flowers have begun to bloom, birds are looking to start families and it appears that mowing the lawn might be in your immediate future if y
ou haven't done so already.
"There have been trends pointing towards a little bit more warmth through the three months of spring being March, April and May," said SuperDoppler 10 Meteorologist Steve Fundaro. "That could just mean the warmer days are a little bit warmer. We'll still have some cold mornings thrown in there, here or there, especially through March and April. That may point towards maybe some of the pollen levels boosting a little bit earlier."
With Virginia being one of the more challenging states to live in for people who suffer allergies, you might want to brace yourself.
"Our pollen season have extended a little bit," Fundaro said. "That gives some of the early pollinators a head start — i.e., the trees. So the trees kind of kick off maybe a week earlier than they typically do, and if everything else peaks on schedule — mold, grass, the other pollinators — then, you maybe extend pollen season by a week or two on the front end."
Some good news?
We don't have to worry about hurricanes this spring. That season starts in June. As for other severe weather, April and May might have something to say.
"April, that's usually our most active in terms of severe weather events, [with a] plethora of thunderstorms," Fundaro said. "You know, maybe it's one or two times a week. We have a chance of some thunderstorms moving into the region. So not only is it the season of change and pointing towards warmth and flowers blooming and things turning greener, it's also the season that our weather can be some of the most dangerous." ...read more read less