Are we losing our democracy? Perhaps we are — unless …And it’s that unless that I want to emphasize. I understand why President Donald Trump won his narrow margin in last November’s election. I understand why many disgusted folks voted for him. They said prices are too high and that governm
ent is not being responsive to their needs. And they were afraid the situation is getting worse.Many can’t afford homes the way their parents could. And they see that the rich are the ones in charge. Some have even learned that just three Americans own more wealth than the entire bottom half of our society. And we have nearly 800,000 homeless in our nation.So many folks voted for change — including disgusted young men whose votes went 56% for Donald Trump.They wanted to believe his false claims and lies. He told them he would make their lives better by bringing down prices and sweeping the waste out of our federal government.So now I suspect we are in danger of losing our democracy — unless and until Republicans in Congress realize they are the ones who have brought us to our current situation. I place the blame for our situation in their laps. I continue to believe, however, that the majority of our Republicans in Congress are honorable folks who want the best for our nation. And I understand they feel squeezed between wanting to provide loyalty to their party and Trump — in contrast with their personal values and principles that lean in a different direction. And some have been threatened by staunch Trump supporters who lean toward violence. But those honorable Republican members of Congress know that Trump frequently lies and that many of his claims were false. Yet they have continued to support him because they want to keep their cushy Washington jobs. Now, however, they need to decide. Do they want to keep our democracy, or do they want to lose it?That decision rests entirely on the actions of Republicans in Congress. They know that not supporting Ukraine in its war against Russia is wrong.
They know that Russia was the aggressor in starting the war, and that Donald Trump is going in the wrong direction in acting as a buddy to Putin.
They know that a U.S. failure to remain a leader in NATO is a dangerous move.
They know that cuts in the Justice Department, FBI, CIA and Pentagon undermine our national security, and expose us to cyber attacks and other sabotage.
They know that ending background checks for those given access to our classified secrets could mean a death sentence to some of our friends abroad.
They know that the firing of many civil service workers was unjustified and has resulted in forcing our health, science and research agencies to cut services.
They know Trump does not have the right to end the USAID program or freeze its assets.
They know that children and others are dying while lifesaving aid rots in warehouses.
They know Trump’s tariffs will create soaring inflation.
They know that extending Trump’s tax cuts will cost millions of people their homes, health, jobs, food and so many services our citizens rely on.
And finally, they are seeing how the Trump regime actions are causing a great nationwide harm to their constituents and veterans, their friends, neighbors, and even some of their family members.But all it would take to bolster our democracy is a core group of well-respected Republican leaders to form a Save Our Democracy caucus that tells Trump he’s going in the wrong directions. The world is watching, and waiting to see if Republicans in Congress will finally act on their true values and principles.Now is the time for them to show they have spines.Darrell Berkheimer is a retired journalist whose career spans 60 years. He was city editor and news editor at The Daily Herald, Provo, during the 1970s and ’80s. He also filled newspaper editor positions in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Texas and New Mexico, and is the author of several essays books. Contact him at The post The world is watching our GOP leaders appeared first on Park Record. more read less