EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) -- The El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization (EPMPO) is hosting a series of pop-up events to get public input as it develops a regional plan to reduce crashes.
At each event, participants will be able to see "crash hotspots" within the community and they will be able to
provide input about any concerns they may have about the region's roadways, EPMPO said in a news release.
"Once completed, the plan will lay the future groundwork for safer streets across the region so that all users, whether driving, rolling, walking, biking or using public transportation, can travel with confidence. It is critical that the community participates during the planning process," EPMPO said in its news release.
The entire community is invited to attend. Families are encouraged to bring their children to participate in an interactive activity.
Upcoming Pop-Up Events:
Tuesday, March 18: 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m., Podium Finish, 1400 Texas Ave.
Wednesday, March 19: 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m., Presidio Hall, 12339 Socorro Rd., San Elizario
Thursday, March 20: 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m., Sunland Park Sports Complex, 4700 McNutt Rd.
Saturday, March 29: 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m., La Wheela, 11950 Montana Ave., Suite A1-3
Saturday, April 5 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Oz Glaze Senior Center, 13969 Veny Webb St., Horizon City
For more information on the Borderplex Safe Mobility Plan, you can click here.
For anyone who cannot attend the meeting in-person can take an online survey via the following link: https://borderplexsafe.org/community-outreach.
The El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization (EPMPO) acts as the formal transportation planning body for the Borderplex region. EPMPO is the forum for cooperative decision-making by principal elected officials of the 13 governmental jurisdictions within the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Area to include: El Paso County, City of El Paso, City of Socorro, Town of Anthony, Town of Clint, Town of Horizon City, Town of San Elizario, the Village of Vinton, Ysleta del Sur Pueblo, Doña Ana County, Otero County, the City of Anthony and City of Sunland Park. ...read more read less