Where to stay warm: Warming shelters open during extreme cold across northeast Wisconsin
Jan 20, 2025
GREEN BAY, Wis. (WFRV) - As the extreme cold rolls through Green Bay and the surrounding communities, multiple warming shelters will be opening for those who need a place to dodge the freezing weather.
According to the Green Bay Metro Fire Department, the following locations will be available as warming shelters:
St. John's Ministries - Micah Center (612 Stuart Street, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) + The Men's & Women's Shelter (411 St. John Street & 700 E Walnut Street, 5 p.m. - 8:30 a.m.) 920-436-9344
New Community Shelter - 301 Mather Street - Open 24 hours
The Salvation Army of Greater Green Bay - 626 Union Court [closed on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Monday] Will be open Tuesday, January 21, from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Earnest of Inheritance Church - 1583 Main Street - Monday to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Oconto County has also provided a list of warming shelters in their area:
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The Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin has warming shelters open through 6 p.m. tonight and tomorrow in these locations:
South Branch - Community Center
Neopit - Menominee Tribal School
Keshena - Family Center
COTS for Men & Young Adults - 819 S. West Ave.
COTS for Women & Single Mothers - 1003 W. College Ave.
Fox Valley Warming Shelter - 1928 W. College Ave.
Pillars Adult Shelter - 1928 W. College Ave
Pillars Day Resource Center - 129 S. Mason St.
Pillars Family Shelter - 400 Division St.
Holy Family Warming Shelter - 73 E, First St.
Manitowoc Warming Shelter - 502 N. 8th St.
Dorothy's Haven of Hope - 603 Mann St.
Day By Day Shelter - 40 Ceape Ave.
Father Carr's - 1062 N. Koeller St.
SAM's House Emergency Shelter - 105 Richmond St.
St. Luke Methodist Church Warming Center - 623 Ontario Ave.
Other places to stay warm during the day include public facilities such as community centers, libraries, town halls, Valley Transit Center in Appleton, and State Street Center in Oshkosh during regular business hours.
For more information and options, call 211 or visit 211wisconsin.communityos.org.