Billings residents want adjustments to plowing snow in residential streets
Jan 16, 2025
A survey posted on Facebook by the city of Billings Public Works Department shows support for continued residential snow plowing, despite complaints following the first big snow storm of the season.Of the more than 1,800 surveyed, 87 percent said they want the program to continue.Some said the response to plowing was slow, while others said they were satisfied.However, many of the comments showed confusion and puzzlement over the post, saying more questions needed to be asked.The city responded on Facebook, stating the program has been activated six times since 2018. And it adds about $6 per home annually in taxes."The fact that we have one is wonderful, said Jennifer Quintana, who lives in the Heights. I was shocked at the question because it was like, do we keep that or just not have one? And my thought was, of course we have to have one. And rather than asking, should we keep it or not, just a yes or no, maybe do another survey on what do you think the issues are within that program and maybe try to focus on those a little bit better. Like I said, no program is perfect and and I appreciate the efforts."The city currently contracts out for six trucks to plow residential streets at a cost of $300 an hour per blade.