New VDOE accreditation standards continue to concern Richmond Public Schools
Jan 13, 2025
RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) -- School officials in Richmond continue to be concerned about helping city schools meet the new accreditation standards set out by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE).
In a scheduled meeting the evening of Monday, Jan. 13, the Richmond School Board discussed the goals it's setting for its new strategic plan, "Dreams4RPS." This 5-year roadmap is the method through which the school district hopes to see gains in several important areas.
Monday's meeting included a discussion of the school district's "Big 3 Goals," which are school ratings, graduation and academics. Superintendent Jason Kamras outlined the proposed targets for these three areas.
In the 2023-24 school year, the graduation rate was 78%. Kamras said that the state average is 93% -- so the proposed goal is for Richmond Public Schools to meet that average by 2030.
MORE: What is ‘Dreams4RPS’ and what does it mean for Richmond Public Schools?
Regarding academics, the school district wants to increase every Standards of Learning goal by 20 points over 2023-24 by 2030.
Proposed Targets for Dreams4RPS Big 3 Goals for 1-6-25 Board MeetingDownload
The topic of school ratings provoked lengthy discussion among the school board. The VDOE created a new accountability system for Virginia schools in late 2024, with its formal implementation scheduled for 2025.
This change came out just after Richmond Public Schools hit a milestone 24 accredited schools -- its highest in 10 years. Now, under the new system, it has only 14 schools with "positive" ratings, with those being "on-track" or "distinguished."
At the Jan. 13 meeting, it was proposed that Richmond Public Schools see a 20-school increase in "positive" ratings between 2025 and 2030 -- or an average of 4 schools per year, bringing the district up to 34.
Kamras said that, while some funding was provided by the state to help school divisions support its schools in trying to meet these new standards, that funding is "limited."
PREVIOUS: Richmond Schools hits accreditation record right as VDOE raises the bar
As he's done previously, Kamras said advocacy at the legislative level will be needed to make it clear what school districts like Richmond Public Schools need.
Board member Shonda Harris-Muhammed suggested that the board come together with its legislative committee to send a statement to legislators -- to "take a stance" when it comes to these policies.
"There are pieces in it that I appreciate -- but I'm concerned about the accountability system being implemented at a time [when] there is no framework for the new standards that have been pushed out," Harris-Muhammed said. "I have never seen anything like this happen before, where you are adopting and mandating [new] standards without a blueprint or a curriculum framework to identify the new standards -- and three of them came out within the last 16 months. So I'm just very concerned about how ... not only RPS, but divisions like us, that cannot afford to lose a school or two."
Whether or not that letter is indeed drafted, Harris-Muhammed said she would appreciate if the school board could make time to discuss this more in-depth in the future.
Board member Cheryl Burke emphasized the impact this will have on teachers, as they will have to learn about these new standards while trying to teach in a way that aligns with them.
RELATED: Most Virginia schools would be considered ‘off-track’ or worse by VDOE ‘accountability’ system
"How are you gonna get to Spain if you don't know whether you're gonna go on a bus or a plane?" Burke asked. "If you don't have the framework? ... I'm all in favor of taking a step and advocating on behalf of our teachers and our children, because at the end of the day, steps are missing. The foundation is weak."
Board member Shavonda Fernandez said she would like to be involved in such a letter to legislators.
"The more people that raise their voices and concerns from district to district, [that could help state government] to understand that, while these standards are being placed, everybody deserves a seat at the table," Fernandez said.
The school board will continue its discussion of Dreams4RPS and the proposed targets for the remainder of its goals at its next meeting in February.