NEW VIDEO: Florida AM trustees select outside search firm to help in presidential search
Dec 17, 2024
Florida A&M trustees selected Myers McRae as the outside search firm to help in presidential search after months of delay. The goal is to identify candidates by May and have a new president in place by August. Watch the video below to find out how much it will cost FAMU to hire this search firm. NEW VIDEO: Florida A&M trustees select outside search firm to help in presidential searchBROADCAST TRANSCRIPT:After several delays, we now know which search firm will be involved in finding Florida A&M's next president.I'm Alberto Camargo, your College Town neighborhood reporter.Breaking down the decision and how university trustees got there in the end.Myers McRae was chosen ahead of six other search firms.The professional fees will cost FAMU $78,500 plus all costs for advertising the role as well as travel and lodging for consultants and candidates.Myers McRae was the second-cheapest option, with several firms potentially charging over $100,000.As a public university, FAMU must follow Florida law and Board of Governors regulations that ban public schools from spending money on any service with diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.All firms were asked to reassure trustees that they could work within these guidelines."We focus on a national search encouraging all candidates to apply and we are essentially a best-candidate for the required qualifications."This decision has been coming for months.In October, I told you about a special board meeting to make this decision that lasted just six minutes due to not enough trustees being in attendance."There is not a quorum to be able to move forward with this important action item."Earlier this month, another delay at a regular board meeting where the D-E-I concern was first brought up."We asked the question to them to affirm could they comply. They all said yes. I don't know why we're still having this conversation about DEI. This is not a DEI discussion its a presidential search discussion."In the end, trustees selected a firm with a history of over 700 university administration searches.With one president placed at an HBCU in the last five years at Kentucky State University.Myers McRae will work alongside FAMU's internal search committee to identify at least two candidates by May 2025.The goal is have the next president start by the beginning of the next school year.At FAMU, Alberto Camargo, ABC27.