Jun 27, 2024
BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) - Some Vermont teachers are using their summer vacation to learn about artificial intelligence.aiVermont, an educational nonprofit, gathered about 100 teachers in Burlington on Thursday for its first summit about AI in education.Educators played with generative AI software and heard from a panel of students about how AI could reshape education.aiVermont says teacher participation is crucial to building AI literacy in Vermont.“The research shows that when teachers teach students, those students then go home and teach their parents. So, if you want everybody in the state to become AI-literate, it’s actually one of the most efficient ways to go about it,” said Chris Thompson, a co-founder of aiVermont.The summit is the start of a three-year project.Moving forward, aiVermont wants to expand discussions to other school-age groups and bring the topic of AI directly into schools.
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