Break out the shorts and sunglasses — temperatures may hit the 80s this weekend
Mar 27, 2025
March is known for its mercurial weather. It has a propensity to deliver dramatic temperature swings under a myriad of sky conditions.
So to that end, this final weekend of the month is going to be consummately “March.”
We’ve seen our fair share of mild days already this month, but Satu
rday is taking the heat to a new level. We’ll see temperatures in the city soar into the upper 70s, while much of inland New Jersey climbs into the 80s. Forget about April and May, these are temperatures more in line with early to mid-June.
If you have tickets for the Yankee game Saturday afternoon, the boys of “summer” are certainly living up to their name. You can leave the jackets and hoodies at home; a t-shirt, ballcap, and sunglasses will be all you need.
Not only do we get the summery temperatures, but we get the summery sunshine with it as well. Even if baseball is not your thing, make plans to get outside and soak it all in; just don’t forget the sunscreen when you do.
Unfortunately, we don’t stay warm and dry all weekend.
In fact, Saturday’s afternoon sunshine is preceded by pre-dawn showers. Timing, thankfully, falls while most of us are sleeping, so there won’t be any impact on the lovely day ahead. At most, you’ll wake up to some damp sidewalks and roadways.
A few light showers will come through overnight into Sunday as well, though they won’t bring much moisture. They will, however, bring a shift in wind direction out of the southeast instead of the southwest. This onshore breeze will make for a much cooler and damper day on Sunday as high temperatures drop about 20 degrees from the previous day.
The cooler temperatures come along with an increasing shower chance as we get into the afternoon and evening.
If your Yankee tickets are for Sunday’s game, sorry to say you drew the short straw when it comes to weekend baseball weather. It’ll by no means be a washout, but plan for a cloudy and damp day. Don’t leave home without the hooded jacket or sweatshirt, you are going to want it.
The good news is the steadiest rainfall will hold off until Monday. This’ll come with a brief spike in temperatures before we see another crash as we welcome the first of April on Tuesday.
But don’t let the start of April discourage you; it tends to be a more forgiving month than March.
Temperatures won’t stay stuck in the 40s for long. Forecast models are hinting to more above average temperatures as we move into the middle of the month. But as far as when we’ll see another 80-degree day? Only time will tell. more read less