Keizer vigil planned Friday for McNary junior who died in crash
Mar 27, 2025
A vigil is scheduled Friday to honor the 16-year-old McNary High School student who died in car crash earlier in the week.
The public vigil for Zolayha Johnson is scheduled from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Southeast Keizer Community Center. The center operates out of the Salem Mennonite Church at 104
5 Candlewood Dr. N.E.
The Southeast Keizer Neighborhood Association is a partner in the event.
“This will be a come and go time for reflection and sharing of condolences,” according to Colleen Busch, association president. Light snacks will be served.
Johnson, a junior, was killed in a high-speed car crash outside of Stayton on Sunday, March 23. Johnson’s 12-year-old sister, Zamora Miller, who had attended Claggett Creek Middle School, was seriously injured and is hospitalized in Portland.
Another McNary High School junior and a South Salem High School student were passengers in the car.
A police affidavit identified the driver as Christopher J. Atkinson, 33, of Salem. He was being held in jail on multiple criminal charges, including manslaughter in the death of Johnson.
Johnson and her sister lived in Keizer with their grandmother most of their lives, according to Korina Navarro, a family friend.
Johnson was a regular volunteer at the center.
“She was a student that went faithfully to our community center every Friday,” Navarro said.
She said Johnson and her sister last week had helped her sort clothing for a community closet. They also talked about helping with a community garden at the Keizer center.
“They were talking about what kinds of vegetables they would plant,” Navarro said.
Mallory Turner is one of the organizers of a Gofundme account has been established to help the family cover funeral costs.
“They always showed up with a smile and brought joy to all who interacted with them,” the fundraising page said. “Zolayha enjoyed cooking and frequently helped prepare and serve meals” at the center.
The page said Johnson planned to be a chef after high school. She participated in choir the past three years at McNary.
School officials plan to have crisis teams at the school when students and staff return on Monday from spring break.
“It takes a village to raise a child,” Navarro said. “Our village is very broken.”
This article was originally published in the Keizertimes and is reprinted with permission. Contact Keizertimes at
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