Bill to manage wild horses in New Mexico passes, heads to governor's desk
Mar 27, 2025
NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – How to manage New Mexico's wild horse population is a question that has been debated for years. However, a new law could give the state a series of new powers to do that work. That bipartisan effort is now awaiting Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's signature.
“This bill is
important because we got an overpopulation of these horses. I am not trying to do away with these horses by any means,” said Sen. Pat Woods (R - Curry, Harding, Quay & Union County).
Sen. Woods is talking about House Bill 284, which would change how the state manages wild horses. The bipartisan bill looks to establish new guidelines for controlling the continuously growing population. “What this bill does is provide a mechanism for horses to be adopted or relocated. If there's some place to take them. It also provides for fertility control, which is usually done in the means of a dart,” said Rep. Matthew McQueen (D - Sandoval and Santa Fe County).
Lawmakers said their focus is on free-roaming horses in places like Placitas and Ruidoso. They're hoping to help manage the property damage the wild animals are causing, while also finding them homes. “The only way in this bill you could take them off the range is if you had some place to take them. You can't just round them all up,” Rep. McQueen clarified.
The New Mexico Cattle Growers Association said it supports the bill. They hope the effort can better protect ranchers who say running into wild horses can be dangerous. “If we're out gathering cattle and there's a stud, for example, that's roaming out there and he wants to add my horse to his harem. That's a safety risk for our people,” said President-Elect for the New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association Tom Paterson.
The bill prohibits slaughtering free-roaming horses and makes it a crime. McQueen and Woods believe it’s a more humane way of caring for animals that aren't getting any care. “We don't want horses to starve for lack of grass or water. We need to remove some of these horses and put them up for adoption or put them on different rescue spots we have around the state. They just need a good home,” said Sen. Woods.
Since the bill passed in the last few days of the session, the governor has until April 11 to sign the bill into law. If the bill is signed, the New Mexico Livestock Board will be in charge of creating the guidelines for a free-roaming horse expert who would implement the state's horse herd management. more read less