Udder problem: Cow statue at Taste Virginia Beach location is missing
Mar 27, 2025
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — Ever heard the expression, "Don't have a cow, man?"
Well, Taste Unlimited, located at Old Bayville Farms in Virginia Beach, had a cow statue and wants it back.
"We have yet to locate her, but she's missing and we're trying to, like, plan out the timeline as to w
hen she went missing," said Jordan Dennis, Taste's general manager.
Given the proximity to the historical site, the Taste location honored the farm by incorporating a dairy theme at the restaurant, including a cow statute.
"She was right up against this shed pretty much," said Dennis.
The cow statue had been corralled against a shed for over a year. It was supposed to be placed at the front of the restaurant for diners to gaze at upon entering.
Courtesy: WAVY Photojournalist Walter Hildebrand
That is until someone got a "taste" for stealing.
"We were out here with our Chief of Operation Rob Ripper yesterday, and he, we were all going back there to check on the cow because we were actually going to plant her in the front of the line. And then he said, 'I'm surprised no one has stolen her yet.' And we got back there and I'm like, 'Um, where is she?'" said Dennis.
While they're unsure when the cow was rustled, Taste hopes it is recovered soon.
"She needs to be with her sister Bailey, and she needs a home, and this was her home," said Dennis. ...read more read less