Montanans impassioned about proposed resolution to release federal wilderness study lands
Mar 27, 2025
HELENA - A proposed resolution to release federal wilderness study lands sparked nearly two hours of passionate testimony Tuesday in the Senate Energy Committee.Sen. Tony Tezak, R-Ennis, the sponsor of Senate Resolution 14, argu
ed Montanas federal wilderness study lands are unmanaged areas rich with resources made inaccessible because of federal regulations.The wilderness study areas in these resolutions contain vast amounts of natural resources, which are critical to our national security and energy needs, Tezak said. Development of these resources provide jobs for the people who live in these small communities.Mel Montgomery, one of the eight proponents at the hearing, said while he supports wilderness, hes found the wilderness study areas to be a hindrance because they are in limbo. He asked the committee to think about the vast menu of options that Montana could use to manage these lands.Weve got local economy to think of, Montgomery said. Weve got really rural schools like Lima High School. It cant hardly fund itself anymore through the way rural schools are funded, and we cant afford to lock up land that could be used for other purposes.But the dozens of opponents at the hearing said the release of these lands is a rash action that disregards the vast benefits of these areas. Micah Fields, representing the Montana chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, said SJ 14 will threaten necessary habitat for wildlife when these roadless areas are currently thriving.Remember that you are the voice for these places, just like Im trying to be today, Fields said. You are the ones making decisions that affect the animals and habitat that call these places home. Imagine the special place in your memory of Montanas public land, stripped of its protection, crisscrossed with roads mined, developed into subdivisions and exploited for a short-term buck.Joanne Gores, representing Wild Montana, added that there are many collaborations at work in Montana to try to find better management solutions for the wilderness study areas. She said the better solution is to aid those collaboratives in their own assessments of these lands.We need to let each undergo its own assessment by those who know it best, Gores said. And those collaborative groups are already well into the process, as youve heard a number of times this afternoon. What we should be asking, is how can we help?Emma White is a reporter with the UM Legislative News Service, a partnership of the University of Montana School of Journalism, the Montana Broadcasters Association, the Montana Newspaper Association and the Greater Montana Foundation. White can be reached at more read less