Topeka council to consider $587M 5year capital improvement plan
Mar 25, 2025
TOPEKA (KSNT) - Topeka staff have created a plan to improve the city's infrastructure that could cost $587 million after five years.
City of Topeka Director of Communications & Media Dan Garrett announced in a news release on Tuesday, March 25 that city leaders will soon receive a presentatio
n on the 10-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The governing body will adopt the final CIP book containing city-wide projects created by city staff.
Below is a list of programs and projects that will be presented to the governing body in the weeks ahead:
Public Works programs and projects.
2026 Pavement Management Program: $14 million annually for street maintenance.
Northwest Menninger Road & North Topeka Boulevard: Intersection realignment and widening, with Shawnee County sharing 35% of the cost.
Southwest 45th Street (Southwest Gage Boulevard to Southwest Cambridge Avenue): Road widening, resurfacing, and shared-use path construction, with different phases over the next few years.
Utilities programs and projects.
2026-2030 Water Main Replacement Program: Focuses on upgrading aging water mains.
Menoken Road Tie Back: Flood mitigation project for levee certification, funded by reallocating prior levee repair funds.
Southeast California Avenue & Southeast 4th Street: Stormwater improvements to reduce flooding, especially near a local elementary school.
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Project TypeFive-year TotalsPublic Works: Non-Street Projects$92,269,763Public Works: Street Projects$209,390,758Water Projects$117,684,800Stormwater Projects$64,171,120Wastewater Projects$71,930,557Public Safety Expenditures$29,960,596Information Technology Expenditures$2,124,000Totals$587,531,594Table courtesy City of Topeka
The Topeka City Council will discuss this plan at their April 1 meeting.
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