SR 1 intersection in DeKalb County to become allway stop
Mar 25, 2025
DEKALB COUNTY, Ind. (WANE) -- The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) plans to turn a DeKalb County intersection into an all-way stop.
A map depicting future changes to the intersection of State Road 1 and County Road 40 in DeKalb County. (Photo provided by INDOT)
According to INDOT, t
he changes will take place at the intersection of State Road 1 and County Road 40.
The goal of the updates is to reduce the "frequency and severity" of crashes in the area, and INDOT made the decision following a traffic engineering study.
Updates include stop-ahead signs, oversized stop signs, buzz strips, stop bars and temporary message signs to alert drivers of the changes. INDOT encouraged drivers to be cautious in the area while adjusting to the new traffic patterns.
The intersection changes are scheduled to take place on of after Wednesday. more read less