City Council Hears Testimony on Proposed Code Changes to Dangerous Driving
Mar 25, 2025
The north end of the County City Building. (Jeff Motz/KFOR News)LINCOLN–(KFOR Mar. 25)–Proposed changes to Lincoln’s Municipal code for reducing dangerous driving was part of a public hearing before the Lincoln City Council Monday afternoon.
That would include updated definitions for “racin
g” and “race tracks” and the addition of a new section defining “disorderly vehicles” that outlines penalties for violations. The proposed changes include disorderly vehicles could be impounded and towed, where they would be immediately released to the registered owner for a first offense.
If a driver is cited for a second or subsequent offense would have their car towed and held for 10 days. Vehicle owners would have to pay whatever fine is assessed for the original offense, plus the $57 towing fee, a $50 administration fee and an average $8-a-day storage fee.
Lancaster County Public Defender Kristi Egger told Council members she opposes the changes, due to the effect on families, many of whom are living paycheck to paycheck, not the racing aspect on “O” Street.
“Lots of people don’t have the privilege that you all might have of having two vehicles,” Egger told the Council.
Gary Hahn was among those that testified in support of those changes. He says driver’s that are driving dangerously need to be held responsible for the vehicle they are using.
“I’ll let somebody use my vehicle, but I want to make sure that it’s a worthy person that’s going to be driving,” Hahn said.
Council members will vote on the changes at their next meeting on Monday, Mar. 31. more read less