Your mom is wrong, going outside without a jacket isn't why you got a cold
Mar 25, 2025
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) — Your mom is wrong — going outside without a jacket probably isn't why you got a cold — that's just an old wives' tale. Louis Papa a professor of clinical medicine with URMC, calls this cold weather blame game "guilt by association."
"When it gets cold, we all gather
indoors, and when we gather indoors it gives viruses and bacteria that have a billion-year head start on us, the circumstance and the opportunity to infect us. So, naturally, people think it's because it's cold outside or because they didn't wear a jacket," he said. "It really has nothing to do with it. The virus just needs you to be in proximity so that they can infect you, and that happens more in the winter because it's cold, and we gather, and there's more holidays.
Papa isn't talking about severe temperatures, like bitter cold where you can get frostbite or hypothermia, or extreme heat, where there's a risk of heat stroke or dehydration. This is specifically something like the flu.
To protect yourself from getting sick, you should take care of yourself with the basics:
Healthy diet
Exercise regimen
Adequate sleep cycle of 7-9 hours
Stay hydrated
Take prescribed medications
Papa adds, if you already have health issues, you may be more sensitive to weather changes. In this case, talk to your healthcare provider. more read less