Not just DEI: Seven things to know about Ohio's sweeping higher ed bill
Mar 25, 2025
COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- Senate Bill 1, a sweeping higher education bill, has made headlines for its bans on diversity, equity and inclusion, but that's not all the bill entails.
SB 1 would dramatically change portions of Ohio's higher education law. Expected to be sent to the Gov. Mike DeWine's
desk this week, the bill would ban DEI training, scholarships and offices. It also cautions professors when speaking about "controversial topics" to ensure they are not promoting a particular belief or conclusion. See previous coverage of the bill in the video player above.
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The bill has been hotly contested, passing the House and Senate despite overwhelming opposition testimony from students, faculty and other Ohioans. Its updated version is expected to be voted on again in the Senate this Wednesday.
Those against the bill say it will limit free speech, and those in favor say it will promote intellectual diversity on campus. Labor organizations have also drawn attention to provisions banning faculty strikes and limiting collective bargaining rights for professors. However, the bill contains more than the concerns making headlines.
1. Requires students to study capitalism
Ohio's public universities will be required to develop American civic literacy courses under SB 1. As part of these three-credit-hour courses, students would study the American economy and capitalism, and complete required reading.
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The course lists seven required readings, six of which are staples of U.S. history like the Constitution or the Gettysburg Address. The seventh requirement involves required readings of Adam Smith's writing, including "The Wealth of Nations." Smith, a Scottish political economist, is considered the first theorist of capitalism.
2. Limits interactions with China
Under SB 1, public universities are prohibited from creating or renewing partnerships with academic or research institutions located in China unless there are significant safeguards. Universities are also barred from accepting any gifts, donations or contributions from any organizations connected with the People’s Republic of China.
“These politicians here in Ohio say they're anti-China, but actually China and what its policies are toward academic freedom are actually quite similar to what we're building here in Ohio,” Ohio State University English professor Pranav Jani said.
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The bill does allow Chinese students to pay for tuition when attending school, and Chinese alumni are still permitted to offer donations. Christopher McKnight Nichols, a history professor at Ohio State with expertise in foreign policy and national security, said the provisions in SB 1 single out China and are likely to deter students and staff from coming to state universities. He also said American allies, rather than China, are more likely to hack or usurp American intellectual property.
3. Requires syllabi to be publicly available within three clicks
SB 1 requires all undergraduate courses to make their syllabi publicly available online for at least two years. Each syllabus must also be accessible from the main page of an institution’s website by no more than three links.
The syllabi are required to include topics of coverage, readings and details about the professors teaching each course. Ohio State English Professor Jill Galvan said because these syllabi are required to include professors’ contact information, she is worried about doxing and harassment.
According to the American Association of University Professors, putting syllabi on a public website can lead to conflicting copyright claims and increase criticism or harassment toward professors. Texas has had a similar law on the books since 2009, saying it would allow students to get a better idea of what a course would entail, so the move would not be unique to Ohio.
4. Mandates student evaluations of professors' biases
Under SB 1, faculty would be evaluated in part by student questionnaires. These surveys would be set by the state-appointed Chancellor of Higher Education and would have to include this question: "Does the faculty member create a classroom atmosphere free of political, racial, gender and religious bias?"
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"What it's going to produce is, in the classroom, an intense chilling and self censorship, because people are going to be afraid to teach what they know, and they're going to be afraid to teach full histories," Galvan said.
At least 12 of Ohio's 13 traditional public universities already implement end-of-course evaluations where students can share their opinions on faculty. Some of these evaluations, like those at Miami and Ohio State, are already codified in the Ohio Administrative Code. However, this new system would create a more formal, uniform process.
5. Eliminates undergraduate degrees with few graduates
SB 1 requires state universities to eliminate any undergraduate degree that awards fewer than five degrees over any three-year period. These programs could be granted a waiver by the state if they are found to still be useful despite low graduation numbers. However, waived majors may not be eligible for state funding under the bill.
Jani said he believes SB 1 will drive down enrollment in majors and minors related to “controversial topics” because of how they might be construed in the current political climate. SB 1 defines "controversial topics" as topics of political controversy, including climate policies, marriage or elections.
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Coupled with this provision of SB 1, this could eventually lead to the elimination of various "controversial" majors. However, it's more likely this will eliminate niche degrees such as uncommonly studied foreign languages or less common scientific specializations. Nichols said this provision may be unnecessary, pointing out that low-enrolling courses are typically canceled, with their professors scheduled elsewhere.
6. Limits Ohio State student trustees' powers
SB 1 eliminates portions of Ohio law that allowed student members of the OSU Board of Trustees to have voting rights. The board has one undergraduate student and one graduate student, both of whom serve two-year terms and currently have voting rights.
This would change Ohio State's Board of Trustees to be more similar to the 12 other state universities, all of which have nonvoting student members. Under current law, Ohio State's student trustees could be granted voting powers if the rest of the board allows them to.
SB 1 also requires changes to boards of trustees, including new required training and establishes shorter term limits. The trainings will cover members' duties, relevant state laws, institutional planning and advancement guidance, and national and state issues in higher education. It also reduces terms from nine years to six and bans reappointment within four years of a trustee's six-year term.
7. Devotes resources to exploring three-year degrees
The bill requires the Department of Higher Education to conduct a study about implementing three-year bachelor's degree programs. The study will investigate the feasibility of three-year degrees across multiple majors and requirements and will not factor in programs that allow high schoolers to get college credit.
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As part of this provision, all public universities will be required to submit statements explaining how every undergraduate major they offer could be completed within three academic years. Institutions like Ohio University and Ohio State already offer three-year programs, although most hinge on students completing college credit-eligible courses in high school. SB 1 says advanced placement credits can be factored into these required university statements.
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