US police chaplains go through useofforce training in Indianapolis
Mar 24, 2025
Police chaplains go through use-of-force training in Indianapolis
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department on Monday hosted 30 police chaplains from seven states to help them better understand police decisions around the use of force.
The chaplains are part of t
he International Conference of Police Chaplains, and the training aims to provide them with insights into the challenges officers face, which they can take back to their communities.
Sgt. Michael Daley, an IMPD use-of-force instructor, said Monday, “It’s difficult sometimes as an outsider to understand what the individual worker has to go through, and so it’s important for us to know, or to communicate to the chaplains, to tell them the story of what officers face on a daily basis.”
“People come in here with preconceived notions of what the officer is supposed to do and how the officer is supposed to handle those situations, and then, once they see the reality through these simulations of what’s actually involved in human behavior, perspectives change.”
Christopher Holland, a chaplain from the Bargersville Police Department, said, “Actual scenarios that are taking place are kind of true to life, so your blood pressure goes up. Your heart rate goes up. You’re dealing with issues very similar to what you would deal with in the community.”
“It gives me great empathy and it also gives me great understanding about what our officers go through every day, and how they place themselves in the line of danger in very intense situations and they make split-second decisions about it.”
Organizers hope after chaplains return to their communities with a better understanding of police challenges that they will help to improve community relations with police.
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