Mayor Graham accuses councilmember of inappropriate emails
Mar 24, 2025
WARNING: This article contains suggestive language. Discretion is advised.
(PUEBLO, Colo.) — During a City Council meeting on Monday, March 24, Mayor of Pueblo Heather Graham accused a City Councilmember of sending inappropriate messages to her staff.
During a livestreamed meeting of City C
ouncil, Mayor Graham addressed what she called inappropriate correspondence sent by Councilmember Roger Gomez to the Mayor's staff. Graham said she was advised by City Council President Mark Aliff that she should not address these allegations at the City Council meeting, and as she disagreed, brought her allegations publicly.
Graham alleged that emails from Councilmember Gomez received by her staff have been "wildly disrespectful," and said she wished to highlight the proper lines of communication between City Council and the Mayor's Office.
The Mayor provided an example of the kind of comments that were made in an address directly to Councilmember Gomez:
"I do not appreciate, Councilor Gomez, emails to my Chief of Staff, quoting this--'Hey, I got my pee pee whacked once already, and it hurt so good, just saying. Look, Goldilocks doesn't scare me and she can't hold her breath and stomp her feet with all that she wants'... I don't care what you do on your own time, I don't care what you say to each other, I don't care what you say to me, but to put an email, a sexual comment, to my city staff, is not tolerable and I'm not going to stand for it."
In response to the content of the emails her staff has received, Mayor Graham said she has asked the City Attorney to draft a policy for City Council regarding professional workplace conduct.
In a rebuttal, Councilmember Gomez said the comment Mayor Graham referenced lacked context. Gomez pointed to the salaries of senior level staffers for the city, and argued that his comments were made out of frustration concerning a lack of communication from the Mayor's office when he inquired on numerous items of concern.
"I have no choice but to address the tactic that she's stooping to, in an effort to discredit me or any other person who has the courage to challenge her," Gomez said. Gomez alleged that the Mayor has instructed staff not to provide him with information and also barred him from speaking with numerous people on her staff.
"I got fed up with no response, nobody calling me back, nobody giving me information, so I can represent my district," Gomez said. He insinuated that the comment Mayor Graham had taken issue with was not intended to harass and was never meant to be shared. Gomez cited the recent incident on March 18, in which three officers were injured reportedly near Gomez's house, as a far more pressing concern for citizens of Pueblo than the contents of his emails.
"If this is the best she has to come after me, about fourth grade banter, because I stand up to her and I will continue standing up to her," Gomez said. "So please excuse me, as I try to keep my family barricaded in the house with my shotgun and a Glock. So if I sound a little frustrated, you bet. But I am an elected official, and I refuse to sit down and shut up." more read less