Hinky time in City of Trenton as Stacy Park saga continues (L.A. PARKER COLUMN)
Mar 24, 2025
Listening to Paul Harris, interim director of Recreation, Natural Resources & Culture, last week, offer insights to members of City Council about the Stacy Park project made me feel all hinky and wracked by suspicion.
When Maria Richardson, former director for Harris’ department joined
the conversation, the situation seemed more hinky.
And when At-large Councilwoman Crystal Feliciano assumed a lead role for interrogation of Harris and Richardson, hinky smell filled City Council chambers. Face it, something is hinky in Trenton. Real hinky.
Hinky became a popular word here after hearing it said in the 1993 film — The Fugitive, with actor Harrison Ford (alleged wife-killed Dr. Richard Kimble) on the run from Tommy Lee Jones (U.S. Marshal Sam Gerard).
Gerard expresses intolerance when a subordinate uses “hinky”. “What does that mean, anyway,” he asks.
“Strange,” he hears. “Well, why don’t you just say strange or weird….It has no meaning. I don’t want you guys using words around me that have no meaning.” Hinky enjoys meaning here.
First and foremost, N.J. Department of Environmental Protection officials determined that Trenton violated protocol with a project that removed trees and brush from an area known as Stacy Park near the Delaware River. Let’s not forget that this environmental catastrophe obliterated habitats for aquatic and natural species.
Mr. Harris voiced an excuse that past practices directed recent decisions about clearing the riverfront area before Feliciano opened an escape hatch. The councilwoman noted Trenton pays a consultant handsome dollars to advise city officials on such matters, in this case a need to contact DEP officials before clearing the Delaware River area.
Amazingly, no members of city council asked about the consultant group. Even a name could start an investigation and pave the way for other inquiries. Like this guy named Julio, introduced by Trenton Mayor Reed Gusciora and Harris in a video posted on YouTube in October 2024. Gusciora identified Harris and, “Julio our contractor.”
Apparently, Julio holds no last name and his company no identification, just Reed and Julio down by the river. Several personal visits to the site found no machinery used in such projects, just men with cutting tools, and others who shouldered trees from the banks of the Delaware toward an access road.
The Trentonian posted photos of this unwarranted excavation as workers took part in what entire looked like a deforestation effort in a third world environment.
Mr. Harris named Rich Tree Service and E&E as companies involved in the Stacy Park demolition. Kelly, an employee for Rich Tree Service, located in South Plainfield, told The Trentonian that their equipment includes signage.
For the record, I made visits to Stacy Park, spoke with a city employee operating a city-owned front loader. His machine collected trees and brush then deposited the carnage into a large dumpster.
Just think about this. If Julio owned his own company, why did the city offer an employee and equipment for this operation? It’s hinky stuff that needs a real investigation, instead of Harris offering a 10-minute standup in front of city council.
Wait a minute. North Ward Councilwoman Jennifer Williams wants a word. “I’ve seen reports, including one that said Stacy Park is a mile long. To my knowledge, Stacy Park is not a mile long,” Williams offered.
Wait. What? Apparent collusion and potentially more corruption in this Gusciora administration and Williams needs a debate on the distance from the popular pond to the Shaky Bridge. Hinky.
By the way, Feliciano seemed like she had reclaimed her presidency of City Council as her successor, Yazminelly Gonzalez, yielded early then remained more silent than East Ward Councilman Joe Harrison. The Feliciano, Harris, and Richardson performance appeared scripted, as they chopped it up about chopping down trees.
By the way, Harris reminded Feliciano that funding for portions of the project had been approved by City Council on two occasions. Feliciano grilled Harris about the project.
“Where did you put the word out that you were looking for work to be done at Stacy Park,” she quizzed.
“With vendors who do business with the Department on a regular basis,” he responded.
“You put this out to vendors directly. You didn’t put this out to the public that you were looking,” Feliciano continued.
“Correct,” Harris said. Not one member of City Council asked about the legal aspects of short-listing vendors for a public contract. Not one inquired the number of vendors on that list nor requested a profile of those clientele.
And, what about Julio? Caterer. Contractor, or, Cleaner. Life is about to get real hinky in the City of Trenton.
L.A. Parker is a Trentonian columnist. Find him on Twitter @LAParker6 or email him at LAParker@Trentonian.com. ...read more read less