Youngkin signs bill requiring seat belts for backseat passengers
Mar 24, 2025
RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) -- Gov. Glenn Youngkin has signed a bill that will require all vehicle passengers, including those in the backseat, to wear a seat belt while driving in Virginia. The current law only requires passengers in the front seat to wear seat belts.
Data from the National Highway Traff
ic Safety Administration indicates that Virginia is the worst state in the country when it comes to seat belt usage.
One of the bill's advocates was a Virginia mother, who was inspired to push for legislation after the death of her son.
“You get that knock on the door,” Christy King told 8News at the State Capitol in February. “There’s the policemen there, the chaplain. We just knew something was wrong.”
PREVIOUS: Virginia mother lost son after he was thrown from a moving car, now she wants tougher seatbelt laws
Her son, 18-year-old Christopher King, was killed in a crash in James City County on July 4, 2020.
“It was the one time he didn’t wear a seatbelt that took his life,” King said. “The other three kids in the car survived because they had their seatbelts on.”
According to a summary of the bill, it will require "all adult passengers in a motor vehicle equipped with a safety belt system to wear such safety belt system when the motor vehicle is in motion on a public highway."
The new law will go into effect on July 1. more read less