Youngkin wants 200+ changes to budget passed by Democraticcontrolled General Assembly
Mar 24, 2025
RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) -- Just hours before his deadline, Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) has announced more than 200 proposed amendments to the budget bill passed by the Democratic-controlled General Assembly in February.
“This budget, I believe, can be a huge win for Virginians and that’s why I look
forward to working with our General Assembly and bringing it all together,” Youngkin said.
Included in the changes is language previously rejected by lawmakers that would allocate $25 million to give 5,000 low-income Virginia families a $5,000 scholarship they can use to help cover the cost of attending private school.
“Let's provide lower-income Virginia families an opportunity to pursue an alternative education path that might fit their family and their children’s best opportunities,” Youngkin said.
“We would be consistent with the position that we submitted to the governor’s opportunity fund,” said House Appropriations Committee Chairman Luke Torian (D-Prince William).
Plus, Youngkin included language that would strip state funding from local law enforcement agencies that don’t comply with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, or ICE.
“I don’t know how many of you all like violent gang members in your community,” Youngkin said.
“We will probably hear from a large number of our localities in regards to the governor's action and we will address it at the appropriate time, " Torian responded.
Despite his changes, Youngkin did agree to several of the Democrats' ideas, including providing tax rebate checks for Virginians -- $200 for individual filers or $400 for joint -- and providing bonuses for teachers -- $1,000 -- and state employees -- 1.5% -- on top of the 3% raises they’re already set to receive next fiscal year.
“I think the governor wanted to see some tax rebate go back to the citizens of the Commonwealth. We were in agreement with that, we just went a different route than he did, and we are delighted that he is supporting our position,” Torian said.
The General Assembly will return to Richmond next week to consider Youngkin's changes. If they reject the governor’s amendments, Youngkin will then have to decide whether to sign or veto the budget bill as currently written. more read less