SIOUX FALLS S.D. (KELO) - While portions of KELOLAND have seen rain as of late, including Sunday morning to the southeast and through the day on Monday if you're West River, it hasn't been enough to make up for a rather lackluster winter in the snow department.
The lack of a consistent snow pack
, combined with few chances to see anything of substance, has put KELOLAND at a deficit and is giving drought conditions a head start as we head into spring.
So far, we've barely reached 50 percent of our average moisture in Sioux Falls, with Sunday's rain helping us get to the halfway point.
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Aberdeen and Pierre both have around a third of their average moisture. Both also have struggled to even reach a full inch of liquid water. The outlier, for better reasons, is Rapid City.
Though they are below average just like everyone else, they're the closest to average…being a little under two-tenths of an inch below average.
As a result, and due to the deficit that we found ourselves in last year, all of KELOLAND is in at least moderate drought, which is level two out of five.
Thankfully, we do have some chances for moisture on the way. A few lesser opportunities of a scattered variety through Thursday, but then the weekend comes along with our best chance as of now.
A lot of details can change between now and then, including just what kind of moisture we see, so keep an eye out for updates.
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