Norfolk Wavy
Youngkin vetoes bills that would have raised minimum wage, given paid sick leave to all and more
Mar 24, 2025
RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) -- Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) took action against several bills on Monday, including legislation that would have raised minimum wage, guaranteed paid sick leave for all Virginia workers and created a board to review prescription drug pricing.
Youngkin's deadline to act on bills
passed during the 2025 General Session was Monday, March 24. Many were signed into law, even prior to Monday -- while others have received his veto.
As of the time of reporting, at least 11 bills sent to Youngkin by the General Assembly have been vetoed.
IN 2024: Virginia Gov. Youngkin sets veto record in 2024
Keep scrolling to learn about each piece of legislation and why Youngkin chose to veto them.
Raising the minimum wage
House Bill 1928 would have raised the minimum wage for Virginia workers from $12.41 to $15 an hour by Jan. 1, 2027. It would have done so incrementally, with an initial increase to $13.50 in 2026.
Raising the minimum wage was one of Virginia Democrats' main priorities for the 2025 General Session.
Youngkin previously vetoed similar legislation in 2024, writing in that veto statement that he believed raising the minimum wage would be “detrimental for small businesses across the rest of Virginia.”
This year, Youngkin shared similar sentiments. He called increasing the minimum wage "arbitrary," claiming it "imperils market freedom and economic competitiveness."
"Successful states recognize that the government does not need to set labor prices; instead, they prioritize creating an economic environment conducive to wage and employment growth," he said.
Guaranteeing paid sick leave for all workers
HB 1921 would have required that any Virginia worker - whether employed privately or by local or state governments -- be given at least one hour of paid sick leave per 30 hours worked, starting on Jan. 1, 2026.
PREVIOUS: Bill to guarantee paid sick leave for all employees in Virginia heads to Youngkin’s desk
The bill included language that would have made it a civil penalty for employers not to comply. It would have also granted any employee the right to bring civil action against their employer if denied the sick leave as described within the bill.
In his veto statement, Youngkin said guaranteeing sick leave for all workers would "increase the cost of doing business in the Commonwealth and adversely impact [its] business climate."
"Employers must have the flexibility to design leave and benefit policies that fit their workforce rather than be subject to a one-size-fits-all government mandate," Youngkin said.
Creating a board to review prescription drug pricing
HB 1724 would have created a Prescription Drug Affordability Board -- a body that would have been tasked with reviewing the cost of prescription drugs to ensure pricing that was fair to both everyday Virginians and healthcare systems.
The five-member board would have been tagged with healthcare and medical experts. If those board members found a medicine's pricing to be too high, it would have been able to cap it.
PREVIOUS: Virginians with chronic diseases urge Youngkin to sign bill creating a Prescription Drug Affordability Board
This bill was another of Virginia Democrats' main priorities this session.
This will be the second time Youngkin has vetoed the creation of a Prescription Drug Affordability Board. In his 2024 veto statement, Youngkin said he believed the bill's concept was "noble" but that it would have "unintended consequences."
Youngkin expressed similar ideas in this year's veto statement, saying this bill would "harm patients' health."
"This legislation risks limiting patient access to essential medication by prioritizing costs over medical necessity," he said. "Affordability of prescription drugs is a critical issue, but this proposal would instead compromise patient welfare in the Commonwealth of Virginia."
Requiring workplace violence policy at some businesses
HB 1919 would have required any employer with 100 or more workers to develop, implement and maintain a workplace violence policy no later than Jan. 1, 2027.
It would also have required that employees be protected from retaliation if they reported any such workplace violence incidents.
Should any employer have not complied with these mandates, said employer would have been subject to a minimum $1,000 civil penalty.
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Youngkin, in his veto statement, said that he believes workplace safety is "critical" -- though he disagreed with this bill's method to address it.
"This bill misclassifies workplace violence as a regulatory issue rather than a criminal matter," Youngkin said. "Employers already have the ability to establish workplace policies and existing law provides recourse for victims through law enforcement and civil courts."
Preventing insurance discrimination for those receiving HIV prevention treatment
HB 2769 would have required that, absent of any other disqualifying factors, life and health insurance providers provide insurance to someone who takes a preventative treatment for HIV.
Under this bill, insurance providers would have been expressly prohibited from discriminating against Virginians who have received pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) by refusing to insure them, limiting their insurance or ending their insurance solely based on that PrEP treatment.
In his veto statement, Youngkin asserted that he believes insurers should be able to use discretion when they "assess risk."
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"While insurers are rightly prohibited from discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or marital status, they retain the ability to assess risk using relevant health and behavioral factors," he said. "Singling out one medical treatment for special protection undermines this established process and could set a precedent that invites broader exemptions, potentially destabilizing the insurance market."
Prohibiting public carrying of some assault firearms
Senate Bill 880 would have prohibited Virginians from carrying "certain semi-automatic center-fire rifles and shotguns" in public areas like streets, roads, alleys, sidewalks, public right-of-ways, public parks or "any other place of whatever nature that is open to the public," per the bill's text.
This bill included some exceptions, including carrying permissions for anyone traveling to and from shooting ranges, weapons exhibitions or lawful hunting, among others.
Current Virginia law does prevent some firearms from being carried in public, but the scope is narrower than that of the bill. It also only prohibits carrying in public when said firearms are loaded.
Youngkin vetoed similar legislation in 2024. In his veto statement this year, the governor said his position remains "unchanged."
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"[This bill's prohibitions are] unconstitutional as it attempts to restrict widely embraced firearms used for lawful purposes like self-defense," he said.
Establishing standards for firearm industry members
HB 1608 and SB 1450 would have created "standards of responsible conduct for firearm industry members," with these procedures meant to increase safety.
Under the bill, the firearm industry would have to develop and maintain controls that do the following:
Prevent the sale or distribution of firearms or related products to straw purchasers, firearm traffickers, those who cannot legally possess firearms or those who are believed to be "a substantial risk" to themselves or others
Prevent the loss or theft of firearms or related products
Require that firearm industry members comply with all aspects of state and federal law
Require that firearm industry members comply with the Virginia Consumer Protection Act
The bill also would have prohibited firearm industry members from creating, maintaining or contributing to a public nuisance when selling, manufacturing, importing or marketing firearms or related products.
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In his veto statement for SB 1450, Youngkin said this legislation was identical to a bill he vetoed in 2024 and that his thoughts on it remain the same.
"As I previously stated, the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) already provides a framework for addressing civil actions against firearms industry entities concerning negligent entrustment and defects," Youngkin said. "This federal law, grounded in common sense and common law principles, prevents baseless litigation that could financially devastate a lawful industry with exorbitant legal fees. Other lawful industries, such as vaccine producers, have similar protections."
Creating program for small, women-owned businesses
HB 1922 would have created a business procurement enhancement program for Small, Women-Owned Businesses (SWaM). Said program would have established several goals and requirements aimed at increasing support of these businesses.
For example, statewide, Virginia would have worked to utilize certified SWaM businesses in 42% of its executive, discretionary spending. This would be done incrementally, with a goal of a 3% increase each year.
Youngkin, in his veto statement, said that this legislation -- like the paid sick leave bill -- would "increase the cost of doing business," though this time at a state level. He added that he believed it would "reduce the efficiency of government procurement."
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Youngkin also noted that he vetoed similar legislation in 2024. At that time, he ordered a study be conducted on the proposal, which he said was carried out by the Public Body Procurement Workgroup.
"This legislation disregards every recommendation from the Public Body Procurement Workgroup," Youngkin said.
Include smaller workforces in Virginia Human Rights Act
SB 1052 would have reduced the size of workforces eligible for protections under the Virginia Human Rights Act from 15 employees to 5 employees by adjusting the definition of "employer" in the act.
This would expand discrimination protections for employees based on things like age, race, gender, sexuality, disability and more to more workplaces.
In his veto statement, Youngkin said this bill fails to demonstrate a "requisite need" for such a "significant" expansion of the Virginia Human Rights Act. He stated his belief that it would "substantially [increase] the number of Virginia's small business and not-for-profits that would be subject to costly investigations and litigation."
Allowing localities to require solar canopies when zoning
HB 2037 would have given localities a new authority when drafting land development ordinances: they would have the choice to require applicants to install a solar canopy in surface parking areas.
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Such a requirement would only have been permitted for non-residential use and in parking lots with at least 100 spaces. The maximum solar canopy coverage would have been 50%.
In his veto statement, Youngkin said that parking lot solar canopies are not "economically viable."
"Parking lot solar is an expensive form of electricity generation, and if it were economically viable, developers would already be incorporating it into their projects," Youngkin said. "Mandating the construction of these facilities not only undermines the economics of new development opportunities but also limits flexibility. If, in the future, advancements make the technology more cost-effective, developers could then choose to deploy it without being burdened by premature regulatory mandates." more
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