April 30 new ‘late registration’ deadline for CDPAP
Mar 24, 2025
ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) – The New York State Department of Health added a “late registration window” for those on the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP). The deadline to transition care to the new partner was changed from April 1 to April 30.
The change aims to register m
ore consumers and personal assistant workers. The department said anyone registered by April 30 would qualify for retroactive pay.
Despite that, people who rely on personal assistants for their everyday needs rallied on Monday and said even with an extension, they still feel like they’re not being cared for right now.
The Department of Health commissioner and the state’s new partner administering the program Public Partnerships LLC (PPL) addressed concerns from those who rely on the program.
Commissioner James McDonald said the transition is underway because New York has 600 fiscal intermediaries, and switching to one would save the state money. He said the state spends over $150 per member, per month to over $1,000 per member, per month.
“It’s a weighted average of $264 per member, per month. Way more than every other state. The national average is $100 or less per member, per month. Although I can’t tell you how much we’re paying PPL, it’s a fair price,” said McDonald.
The DOH said, so far more than 165,000 consumers and nearly 170,000 CDPAP personal assistants have either started or completed the registration process with PPL.
McDonald said registration had been slow due to a misinformation campaign. That’s why they announced the “late registration window”. Again, the new date to register with PPL, and complete the CDPAP transition, is April 30.
CDPAP supporters want registration deadline extended
But, even those who have registered still have questions about how the program works under PPL. Michelle Fridley is a quadriplegic. She said two assistants quit over the new, lower pay rates. She said she found two more full time employees she wants to hire.
“However, I have been trying to get a hold of PPL and ask them basic questions for months, including what is your hiring process? Stupid small, small questions that they should know like what is a day off?” said Fridley.
She requires care 24/7, with shifts that run overnight into two calendar days.
“Knowing whether they require a calendar day off or a four hour period off determines how I cut my schedule,” said Fridley.
A speaker at the rally had similar questions and wondered out loud, how much people would get paid? What type of health insurance would be offered? And what about the vacation days?
Fridley and others are fearful their personal assistants will quit based off of the lower pay rates they’re being quoted at and, what they called, worse health insurance.
President of PPL Maria Perrin could not confirm the pay rates or what’s included in the benefits offered, but said some assistants might get a boost in pay.
“There’s no information reported into DOH now about what workers are getting paid. We know that some workers have told us they’re not even getting minimum wage,” said Perrin. “People who are not getting that today will make sure that they’re getting paid fairly. In some cases they’re paid above that but overall, we’ll make sure during this process that everyone’s getting a fair wage.”
PPL addresses concerns around changes to at home care program
When I asked Perrin how people who don’t have a computer can get signed up she said in person help is available. When I asked, specifically, how people can get that help, she directed people to their website and resource page.
Ranking Minority member of the Assembly Committee on Health Josh Jensen is introducing legislation that will delay the transition’s April 1 deadline to July 1.
“People need more time. We need questions answered. We need everybody in the CDPAP program to be treated more fairly with respect. That’s not happening and delaying is the most common sense solution right now,” said Jensen.
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