Chicago Tribune
Letters to the Editor: Attacking candidates on military benefits is ‘disgraceful’; ending expark board member benefits saves ‘miniscule’ amount
Mar 24, 2025
Editor’s note: Because of the volume of letters submitted to the Naperville Sun in advance of the Naperville City Council election on April 1, we are running these in the Wednesday paper in an effort to publish as many as possible.
Attacking candidates on military benefits is ‘disgraceful’
March 19, Safe Suburbs USA PAC posted an article on Facebook targeting my Naperville City Council colleague, Ian Holzhauer, a man who served this country with honor as a U.S. Air Force JAG law officer.
The continued efforts to disparage him are disheartening. These attacks are not about policy differences. They are fueled by partisan agendas, misleading narratives and a desire to undermine those who choose to lead with principle rather than play political games.
As a graduate of West Point, a retired Army lieutenant colonel and a longtime Naperville resident, I’ve dedicated my life to serving both this country and this community. During my campaign for mayor, and now as I run for reelection, I’ve experienced these attacks firsthand. My character has been repeatedly called into question.
One of the most baseless accusations involved my eligibility at the time for the Illinois Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption, an earned, state-approved benefit granted to veterans with service-connected conditions, as determined by the Veterans Administration.
Though I addressed these falsehoods during that campaign, the same bad actors continue to exploit this issue. So once again, let me set the record straight.
Neither Ian Holzhauer nor I owe an explanation to those who have decided they are the arbiters of which veterans deserve respect. Yet here we are, watching individuals who have never walked in our boots or made those sacrifices brazenly question who is worthy and who is not. That’s not respect. That’s hypocrisy. Scrutinizing a veteran’s service for political convenience isn’t just wrong, it’s disgraceful.
My four years at West Point and 22 years of military service speak for themselves. I trained hard. I worked hard. I served. I led. And like every service member, I was prepared to give my life for this country.
For the record, I didn’t serve this nation conditionally. I didn’t wear the uniform seeking partisan accolades or political approval. I served to protect the freedoms of all Americans, those who support me and those who don’t. And despite these continued attacks, I would make the same decision again today.
At a time when division is being weaponized for political gain, I stand firm in my values and I ask Naperville residents to do the same. We are better than this.
I’m proud of my service to this nation, just as I’m proud of my service to this community. And I’m grateful to Ian for his service. No smear campaign or political gamesmanship will ever change that.
Benjamin “Benny” White, Naperville
Naperville City Councilman
Ending ex-park board member benefits saves ‘miniscule’ amount
I noted with some interest the article in the March 19 Naperville Sun stating that past Naperville Park Board commissioners will no longer receive park district discounts or benefits.
As a former board member and a nonswimmer and nongolfer, it has no effect on me. I use my Silver Sneaker’s card for the Fort Hill Fitness Center. What concerns me is that park board President Mary Gibson has so little respect for what we former board commissioners have done. I favor Commissioner Rich Janor’s proposal to abolish the entire program for past and present commissioners.
The amount of money Ms. Gibson is trying to save is minuscule. It does not appear on any expense line. Commissioner Alison Thompson’s complaint about not being able to afford the programs without the discount is ridiculous. I am sure the manager of Fort Hill would be glad to give her a tour of the facility and show her what is available. She can take a tour of the golf courses to see what they have to offer. I am surprised she was able to afford campaign signs.
I note that on her Nashville trip she spent more money than three other commissioners who attended. How many ideas did she bring back from Nashville and apply to our park district? How much return on investment did we get for the $7,800 spent on the trip?
I only hope that President Gibson is sincere about saving money and not using it as a way to get her name in the papers and as a springboard to a Naperville City Council seat. I have my doubts. She could have used Commissioner Janor’s example and paid for her own hotel and airfare.
Those two expenses would cover the expenses of the previous commissioners.
Thank you, President Gibson, for making my voting for city council easy. Enjoy your tenure at the park district.
Charles Brown, Naperville
McDaniel chooses political ambitions over meetings attendance
As Naperville voters consider who deserves a seat on the Naperville City Council, they should take a hard look at candidate Derek McDaniel’s recent actions.
McDaniel, a current commissioner on the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission, has repeatedly emphasized his experience in that role as a key qualification for higher office. Yet when it came time to fulfill his actual duties, he chose to skip two of three recent commission meetings in favor of holding campaign fundraisers.
This isn’t just a scheduling conflict — it’s a clear demonstration of McDaniel’s priorities. Rather than doing the work of the city he claims to want to serve, he put his personal political ambitions first. That’s not leadership; it’s self-interest.
Naperville deserves elected officials who show up and do the job, not ones who treat public service as a stepping stone. If McDaniel is already neglecting his responsibilities before even being elected, how can we trust him to put the people of Naperville first once he’s in office? This pattern of behavior should be disqualifying for any voter who values accountability, commitment and integrity in their city leaders.
Naperville can do better.
Rebecca Gamboa, Naperville
Bansal’s record as elected official shows she’s ‘not just talk’
Naperville residents, please consider voting for Meghna Bansal for Naperville City Council.
Bansal’s record shows she’s not just talk. She served admirably as a Wheatland Township Board trustee. She has been deeply involved in community organizations for many years. She always demonstrates her ability to listen and act.
Bansal advocates for public safety, proposing specialized units to address rising concerns like cybercrime, while also pushing for mental health resources. Her focus on infrastructure and sustainability aligns with Naperville’s need for forward-thinking leadership.
Bansal’s campaign reflects inclusivity, aiming to represent Naperville’s diverse voices. Her near-win in 2023, losing by just 41 votes, shows strong community support and resilience. Residents should vote for Bansal because she combines practical expertise with a genuine passion for Naperville’s future.
Electing Meghna Bansal, along with Derek McDaniel, and reelecting Councilwoman Jennifer Bruzan Taylor will ensure that Naperville remains a vibrant, safe and thriving community for all.
Cathy Carmichael, Naperville
Choose environmental leaders for our next elected council
I am an environmental scientist and resident of Naperville. The rollback of regulations that keep our air healthy to breathe and our water safe to drink should concern all of us. Gutting the Environmental Protection Agency and dismantling the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the agencies that help us understand and combat climate change, will leave us unprepared to face the challenges of today and the future.
What is happening at the federal level is frankly frightening to anyone who understands the intergenerational contract to leave a livable future for our kids and grandkids.
We are not powerless, however. The first thing we need to do is to commit to voting in Naperville City Council election on or before April 1. Naperville has consequential decisions coming that could put us on a better path to a more sustainable, resilient future. These four candidates can deliver:
Mary Gibson has led the Naperville Park Board with distinction and with bipartisan respect. She knows Naperville has not lived up to its commitments to sustainability and greenhouse gas reduction and is the right person to change the culture of denial and delay. She will ensure that Naperville sets environmentally and fiscally responsible targets and critically will hold city staff and council accountable for making progress.
Ashfaq Syed does not just talk about sustainability, he participates in building a more sustainable community. He has been involved with raising awareness about Naperville’s coal problem well before Naperville’s 80% coal contractor, IMEA, proposed a contract extension. His community organizing skills will be critical as Naperville makes big decisions about whether we want to be a forward-looking community or one stuck with the status quo.
Incumbent Benny White understands that climate justice is social justice, that environmental protection also protects people and that sustainability is intersectional. He can connect challenges we face due to the climate crisis with other challenges, like lack of affordable housing and protecting the most vulnerable Naperville residents.
Fellow incumbent Ian Holzhauer is clear-eyed with respect to why we should be skeptical of promises made by IMEA. He’s seen them over-promise and under-deliver in the past and knows that Naperville does not want another 20 years of no choice but to accept the burning of coal. I’m confident he’ll stand firm for charting a more sustainable energy path for Naperville.
Please join me in supporting these environmental leaders.
Catherine Clarkin, Naperville
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