Gas station, vacant industrial building: See 17 latest business, apartment, land sales ($1000 to $4M)
Mar 24, 2025
Here are the latest business property and land sales in Onondaga County, recorded during the latest week available, March 9 to 15:$1,000 - Lysander - 8885 Ellison Road - Harvey Weller and Mary Murphy Weller to Justin Chapin (vacant residential land with improvements)$33,000 - DeWitt - 304 1/2 Washbu
rn Drive - Hasan Berber to Adisa Pugonja (residential vacant land)$35,132 - Syracuse - 119 Wall St. - Ephrain Cruz to Syr Properties LLC (multiple residence)$50,000 - Lysander - 7970-10, 11 Gates Road - Brian R. Kline to Brian R. Kline and Natasha Wilbur (waterfront residential vacant land)$65,000 - Cicero - Lot 104 Hancock Airpark (Stewart Drive) - County of Onondaga to Cicero Dumpster Service Inc. (commercial vacant industrial)$69,900 - Syracuse - 100-02 Fitch St. - Zaara & Mahmud Inc. to Ennistown Properties LLC (two-family residence)$83,000 - Syracuse - 1801 Lodi St. - B Real LLC to 17 Hempstead LLC (two-family residence)$83,000 - Syracuse - 224 Seward St. - B Real LLC to 17 Hempstead LLC (two-family residence)$89,000 - Syracuse - 1004-06 Highland St. - B Real LLC to 17 Hempstead LLC (two-family residence)$94,000 - Pompey - 4213 Oran Delphi Road - Mark Harris to Michael E. and Michal Juran (vacant residential land with improvements)$150,000 - DeWitt - 221 W. Manlius St. - Knute B. and Barbara Ann Carlson to Doumit LLC (commercial one-use small building)$210,000 - Van Buren - 233 and 237 Bloomfield St. - Brolex Properties LLC to JMG Custom Homes Inc. (residential vacant land)$315,000 - Manlius - 660 Warren St. - 660 Warren St. LLC to Veritas Enterprise of CNY LLC (apartment)$1,150,000 - Clay - 8450 Oswego Road - 7-Eleven Inc. to Oswego Road LLC (gas station)$1,500,000 - Van Buren - 6602 Herman Road - Derek Tarolli to 6602 Herman Road LLC (commercial storage)$4,000,000 - Syracuse - 141-69 Ballantyne Road - Ballantyne Garden Apt. Syracuse LLC, Abraham Wieder and Blueberry Funding LLC by referee to Ballantyne Garden Group LLC (apartment) more read less