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3/24/2025“Helena This Week” is reported and written By JoVonne Wagner. Send your Helena news and tips to Parade will float down Walking Mall again, after allAfter mounting public pressure, the city of Helena has agreed to maintain the longstanding Vigilante Parade route, even as the city highlights changes aimed at enhancing public safety, according to officials.Earlier this month, a social media post surfacing official discussions about changing the parade’s traditional Walking Mall path gained traction, sparking blowback from community members and business owners.The parade, produced by Helena Public Schools, brings together Helena High School and Capital High School students for a march through Helena history and school rivalry. It’s been a tradition for more than a century. This year’s parade is scheduled for Friday, May 2.City Manager Tim Burton addressed the re-route at a city meeting earlier this month and said that after several conversations with local safety officials, he was “very seriously considering” an alternate route for the parade based on concern about the size of parade float trailers impinging on access for emergency services.Last Monday, however, Burton released a statement updating the City Commission and the public that the parade route will remain unchanged, with some new safety protocols in place. “The City’s public safety officials have been involved in positive discussions with Helena Public School District and have identified a path forward to keep the parade route as it has been while implementing new safety measures to make the event as safe as possible,” Burton wrote.The new safety strategies include limiting trailer length to 25 feet, restricting vehicle size to one-ton trucks, adding traffic control personnel between each float, and keeping the intersection of Sixth Avenue and Last Chance Gulch unobstructed.Helena Police Chief Brett Petty and Fire Chief Jon Campbell both attended a city meeting last Wednesday to support the new safety measures. While the route concerns have been addressed, City Commissioner Sean Logan raised an underlying issue at the Wednesday meeting: what Logan called a lack of transparency between the city and the public. “I think there were a number of us that were kind of caught off guard,” Logan said of the abandoned re-route. “I don’t know how or when we have these kinds of discussions that are purely, in my opinion, operational matters, but they have big impacts on, obviously, the public, because we got a lot of feedback on that.”Riley Tubbs, a co-owner of Ten Mile Creek Brewery, on the Walking Mall, offered public comment during Wednesday’s meeting, sharing Logan’s assessment.“These issues, I think, are a really big deal, especially to the downtown businesses,” Tubbs said. “We downtown are small businesses trying to run these events. We are not perfect, we’re trying our best, and any help from you guys is greatly appreciated that goes [into] planning events, but also communicating with us about what’s going on.”Tubbs suggested live-streaming city meetings on social media to increase public engagement. Mayor Wilmot Collins responded that city meetings are already televised and posted on YouTube.By the NumbersAmount the city approved through its Residential Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loan Program last year, according to Citizen Conservation Board staff. The program helps Helena property owners finance sustainable energy improvements. The board recommended that the City Commission continue the program for fiscal year 2026. Public Notice Parking survey: The Helena Parking Advisory Committee is asking for public feedback on its residential parking district program and encourages residents who live within district boundaries to take a survey. The survey will be available until Friday, April 4, and can be accessed on the Be Heard Helena web page. HCC open house: The Helena Citizens’ Council will host an open house on Tuesday, March 25, 5-7 p.m., at the Lewis & Clark Library, 120 S. Last Chance Gulch, with city Transportation Systems Director David Knoepke discussing Helena’s walking paths, sidewalks, bike lanes and other connectivity improvements. Visit the Citizens’ Council web page for more information.5 Things to Know in Helena Roundabout update: City transportation director David Knoepke updated the Helena area transportation committee last week about the city’s plans to study a potential roundabout and the railroad crossing on Montana Avenue after a grant-planning meeting was postponed by the federal Department of Transportation last month. Knoepke said city and DOT officials will now meet April 9 to kick off a study process to analyze potential changes along Montana Avenue.Greening Helena: The city’s Citizens Conservation Board presented its annual recommendations to the City Commission last week, including a request that the city invest in more energy-efficient modes of transportation. The board suggested that the city purchase one electric vehicle for multi-department use and invest in a glass crusher for recycling purposes. The city currently pays to ship glass to a private company in Utah for recycling. Funding Opioid Abatement: The Lewis & Clark Metro Region Opioid Abatement Governance Committee has approved an application from Good Samaritan Ministries to fund a street outreach coordinator after the committee recommended changes to the initial application in February. The committee will officially recommend the application to the Montana Opioid Abatement Trust, which disburses funds. BID safety procedures: The Business Improvement District has begun implementing safety plans for the downtown area and informed the City Commission that the BID will hold free volunteer training for downtown events. The plans, which were approved by city police, fire, transportation and ADA officials, are available to event coordinators. The Club scene: The Montana Club’s new owner, Ajitpal Pannu, presented his plans for the historic building during a Hometown Helena meeting earlier this month. Pannu said he intends to reopen The Rathskeller, the building’s currently dormant cellar-dwelling speakeasy-styled restaurant, in April. Along with
One person dead after brandishing a gun at Lewis and Clark County Courthouse
Authorities said the woman threatened county employees and a judge before being shot.
by JoVonne Wagner
The post Vigilante Parade stays put appeared first on Montana Free Press. more read less