New witchcraft shop brings magical spirituality to the 'Magic City'
Mar 23, 2025
BILLINGS In a city known for its namesake magic, a new shop is aiming to bring a different kind of enchantment to the community.Watch video here: New witchcraft shop brings magical spirituality to the 'Magic City'Just across
from the Billings Skate Park at 14 1/2 S 27th St, Magic City Bell Book and Candle hopes to become the go-to place for those interested in the mystical arts. Laurie Rogers owns the business with her husband, and together are offering Billings residents a chance to explore their spiritual paths and discover the magic within.I am a high priestess, actually. My witch's name is Lady Grace," said Rogers. Opening the store was a retirement dream for the couple. They first started in Las Vegas, owning a store and temple that was also home to the only accredited witchcraft school in the United States. After moving to Billings six years ago with their two adopted children, they saw an opportunity to fill the city with even more magic."We studied, and we learned, and we both became initiated and now, we have wanted to open a similar place here," said Rogers. Hopefully, we're going to be able to have classes ourselves, and maybe teach some lucky Billings residents how to become initiated witches. Rogers explained that to become initiated as a witch, one must take classes for a year and a day. She and her husband teach and practice Wicca, which is described on their brochure as, "Both a religion and a craft, involving ritual witchcraft and operative witchcraft with a nature basis." "It's all Wicca. You learn about the herbs and the crystals and the Sabbaths, and you learn how to perform the rituals, and it's very exciting, explained Rogers. Inside the shop, witches and warlocks alike can find all the tools needed for the magical practice, from more approachable items like incense, candles, and tarot cards, to more intense devices like spell books, wands, and even crystal balls. "It's all nature-based, spiritual, and it's just a lovely place to be, said Rogers. We're all about spirituality and working with nature and the phases of the moon and mercury when it's in retrograde, which it is right now." For those unfamiliar with witchcraft, it can be overwhelming at first. Rogers recognizes the skepticism that often surrounds the practice, especially since witchcraft has historically been met with resistance and is not embraced by everyone, but she is open to dialogue."We do not worship Satan. We do not practice black magic. We don't advise it. We stay away from it," said Rogers. Like people (say), "Oh, you're a witch. Oh my God," But we don't do that with other religions. We think it's great. People are spiritual and they're doing their thing and it works for them. That's what it's all about. We just offer a different kind of spirituality here. For Rogers, witchcraft is not just a set of practices, but a guiding philosophy that has provided a safe space for her and shaped who she is as a person. "It helps you figure things out and you have to clear that space in your head. You have to allow the good thoughts in there because that's what's going to get you out of whatever kind of trouble you're in. You have to find that light," said Rogers. For more information on Magic City Bell Books and Candle, click here. more read less