Dear Abby: I adore my wife, but I know she’s just putting up with me and all my problems
Mar 23, 2025
DEAR ABBY: My wife puts up with me, and I adore her for it. I have my challenges. I was involved in a head-on car crash 15 years ago and have suffered a number of long-term injuries from it. I can do most of what I want physically, but not everything. I have taken medications for residual brain issu
es from the crash and can become angry without much warning. I have had both family and individual therapy. I exercise, meditate (but not nearly as often as I should), take medications to keep me stable and have reminders in various places about what I should do and not do. I buy my wife flowers pretty regularly and stay playful often. I also take good care of our special-needs son. What other things would you suggest I do to help her know I adore her? -- LUCKY GUY IN FLORIDA more read less