Bridger family part of film featured at festival in Cody
Mar 22, 2025
The very first Yellowstone Film Festival in Cody will feature movies from around the world.The week-long event, which started on Friday and runs through next Friday, will feature 79 films in two theaters at Big Horn Cinemas in C
ody.See full story here: Bridger family part of film featured at festival in CodyA man from Bridger had big parts in two of those films. One of those was done on his property and involved his family and his horse.On that hillside kind of where the sun's hitting those rims, we did a battle scene right there, Duncan Vezain said while pointing to the area.Vezain has worked on about 15 movies and TV shows, including two that will be featured at the Yellowstone Film Festival. Eastern Western was shot just south of Bridger.And Tokyo Cowboy is about a businessman from Japan who invests in a cattle ranch.Working in the film industry provides Vezain the chance to pursue his passion, horses.I don't care who I'm working for, what I'm doing as long as I'm working with horses, Vezain said.Vezain works with directors to provide whatever is needed involving horses and wagons.He even builds and refurbishes wagons that are used in the movies.And he sometimes gets a chance to appear on screen.The acting part for me is easy because I just got to be me, Vezain said.Vezain saw Tokyo Cowboy at the MINT Film Festival in Billings last year and will see Eastern Western this weekend in Cody.His wife and two teenage daughters also had acting roles in "Eastern Western."They did great with it, Bonnie Vezain said about her daughters. And one of them is a lot more like her dad and outspoken and extemporaneous. And the other one's a little more reserved. I love that there's a lasting legacy.And I'll take these two horses and hook on, and go their way, Duncan said about working on a film in Livingston. The passion for me is helping you create what you want.Organizers of the festival put it together at a time of year when there's a lull in tourism.In years to come, it'll bring people to Cody, whether they're filmmakers or just people who want to watch films, said Jacob Graham, who founded the festival.Graham manages Big Horn Cinemas and he hopes for the community, the Yellowstone Film Festival will become a great success.What I would like to see is probably five times as many films in the festival, Graham said. I would love to have one from every country. That would be a kind of a dream come true. more read less