NORTH DAKOTA (KXNET) — Science says that you might be eating carbs wrong, especially if you skip cold pasta, rice, or even potatoes.
Fitness expert Kevin David Rail from says that chilled carbs could be the unexpected secret to better weight management, gut health, and sustaine
d energy.
"When you cook and cool foods like pasta, rice, and potatoes, their starch transforms into something called resistant starch," Rail explained. "This type of carb digests more like fiber, meaning it slows down sugar absorption, helps regulate appetite, and provides long-lasting energy."
Potatoes have been criticized in the diet culture, but they're actually packed with nutrients and can help with weight loss, especially when they've been cooled.
Rail said that when you have cold potatoes, whether in a salad or as leftovers, the starch content increases, which makes them better for blood sugar control and gut health.
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Even if you're not an athlete, you can use this little secret to keep energy levels stable and to reduce cravings.
After cooking, cooling, and reheating, the resistant starch is still in the food when it's warmed up.
You can also make meal-prep your best friend, since cold pasta, rice, and potato salads are easy. They're also backed by science.
However, you shouldn't forget to add lean proteins and healthy fats to further enhance the metabolism-boosting effects.
"This is a small change that can lead to big results," concluded Rail. "If top footballers rely on cold carbs to perform at their best, there's no reason everyday fitness enthusiasts shouldn't try it too."
When you want to avoid these carbs, think again because your body might thank you.
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