NORTH DAKOTA (KXNET) — There are some tricks that make you believe you're saving money on energy bills, but households are throwing cash down the drain, unknowingly, by following outdated advice that doesn't work.
These myths, which include switching off appliances at certain times, are doing m
ore harm than good.
Rather, energy efficiency specialists from Solar Panel Funding are sending out a warning that the most commonly believed tips might be adding to your yearly expenses.
But what are these costly misconceptions? What should you be doing to save money on energy bills?
These specialists want to bust the myths once and for all.
The first myth is about leaving the heat on low all day — it doesn't save money. In reality, homes constantly lose heat throughout the day, especially in colder months. Having the heat on low allows for the continuous loss of energy, forcing the heater to maintain a steady temperature. This results in higher energy consumption, leading to bigger bills. The smart, and most efficient way to heat homes is to use a programmable thermostat to control when and for how long the heat is turned on.
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The second myth is that turning appliances off stops energy use. It appears to be logical, but overlooks the hidden energy drain — the power used by devices even when they're off. However, appliances — TVs, gaming consoles, and chargers — draw power while in standby mode. The best thing to do is unplug them when you're not using them, or invest in smart power strips that automatically cut power to unused devices.
The third myth is that washing clothes at a higher temperature cleans them better. Unless you're dealing with stubborn stains or heavily soiled fabrics, this is unnecessary and can cost you. Washing at a cooler temperature is just as effective, while also using less energy. So use cold or low-temperature settings with modern detergent, and save those high-temperature washes for specific needs.
To save even more, the specialists from Solar Panel Funding said that you can upgrade to modern energy-saving technologies — smart thermostats, efficient appliances, and solar panels — to reduce household energy consumption.
The bottom line is that following these energy-saving tips can leave you with higher bills and wasted energy.
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