2025 KidShow takes place at Great Lakes Mall in Mentor
Mar 22, 2025
Children and their parents turned out in full force for the 2025 KidShow.
The event was held from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. March 22 at Great Lakes Mall in Mentor.
KidShow offers an abundance of fun for children, and provides parents with plenty of information on products and services for their youngsters.
“It’s a free event, and there are a lot of kids’ activities and a lot of parental resources,” said Patty Perry, who is president of ProMark Enterprises.
Based in Mentor, ProMark Enterprises is an event planning and marketing firm that owns and produces the KidShow, which marked its 26th year in 2025.
Some of the activities for children at this year’s KidShow included crafts; a chance to meet and interact with authors of children’s books; a scavenger hunt; and face painting.
A new attraction at the 2025 KidShow was the Character Meet and Greet Spot.
“We will also have roaming costume characters, but this is a spot where every hour of the show, for an hour, there will be a character,” Perry said.
Elmo, who is one of the Muppets from the “Sesame Street” television program, made an appearance at the Character Meet and Greet Spot between 11 a.m. and noon.
One of the children who met Elmo and gave him a high-five was 20-month-old Jack Kristopher O’Connor of Concord Township.
“He loves Elmo,” said Jack’s mother, Danielle Brickman O’Connor.
Danielle also said Jack would be watching some of the performances on the KidShow entertainment stage, because he enjoys singing and dancing.
Members of Twilight Studios Baton Twirling and More perform during the 2025 KidShow held on March 22 at Great Lakes Mall in Mentor. KidShow offers an abundance of fun for children, and provides parents with plenty of information on products and services for their youngsters. (Bill DeBus – The News-Herald)
Stage entertainment at the KidShow was provided by performers such as the Fairmount Center for the Arts Student Dance Company; Rockola Twirlers; and the Inspired Movement Dance Studio Hip Hop Dance Crew.
In addition, kids and their parents were able to stroll through KidShow and stop at variety of tables, where exhibitors offered information, demonstrations and prize wheels.
Scouting America — Lake Erie Council was one of the exhibitors at the 2025 KidShow. The event took place on March 22 at Great Lakes Mall in Mentor. From left, facing camera, Cub Scout Cubmasters Ron Raleigh and Suzanne Baker talk about Scouting with two show visitors. KidShow offers an abundance of fun for children, and provides parents with plenty of information on products and services for their youngsters. (Bill DeBus – The News-Herald)
One of the exhibitors at this year’s show was Scouting America — Lake Erie Council. The organization’s table was staffed by Ron Raleigh, cubmaster of Cub Scout Pack 3174, which is based in Concord Township; and Suzanne Baker, cubmaster of Cub Scout Pack of 3050, which serves Scouts from Wickliffe and Willowick.
Raleigh said the most important message that he wanted to convey to parents and kids is that Scouting America is now co-ed.
“We take girls and boys both,” he said. “We want to make sure that everybody gets an opportunity to have an outdoor experience, and to learn a little bit about leadership, citizenship — all the wonderful things that Scouting America does.”
Other exhibitors at the 2025 KidShow included travel agencies, health and fitness businesses, baton-twirling groups and early-childhood learning centers.
About 125 businesses and organizations participated in this year’s KidShow, either by providing literature for event visitors, or serving as sponsors and/or exhibitors.
In the early history of KidShow, Perry said she always would schedule the event a week before Easter. But since the date of Easter fluctuates each year, it turned out be difficult for many exhibitors to remember the date of KidShow from year to year, she added.
For about the past 10 to 12 years, Perry has made it a point to hold KidShow in late March.
The timing of the show is ideal for several reasons, Perry explained.
First, she said a lot of people are trying to get over cases of “cabin fever” from winter and are looking to get out and about.
In addition, late March is a time when parents start searching for activities that their kids can do in the summer.
“And we have plenty of exhibitors here that are offering things like summer camps, summer programs and summer classes,” she said. “So KidShow a great way to for parents to pick up that information, ask questions and start to plan summer activities for their children.” ...read more read less