Shelbie’s Sweets and Treats shares a passion for delicious desserts
Mar 22, 2025
Shelbie’s Sweets and treats
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Shelbie’s Sweets and Treats, a family-owned dessert business in Indianapolis, has successfully transitioned from operating out of a food truck to opening a storefront at 38th Street and North Mitthoffer Road in Plaza Urbana.
Founded by M
alika Johnson and her daughter Shelbie, the business began in a food trailer, but expanded last summer to a storefront.
“We have been running out of our a food trailer. We do a lot of community events, private events, and we just recently last summer got a storefront,” Malika said.
The storefront serves as both a bakery and a preparation space for their food truck operations.
Among the treats offered are strawberry crunch cupcakes and a unique banana pudding ice cream, which is handcrafted by Malika herself. “I love banana pudding, so I kind of tried to figure out how to make it into an ice cream,” she said.
With their new storefront, Shelbie’s Sweets and Treats invites the community to explore their innovative dessert offerings, continuing to build on their passion for creating delicious treats. more read less