Indiana University’s Match Day: 341 students learn residency placements
Mar 22, 2025
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Indiana University celebrated Match Day on Friday as fourth-year medical students nationwide learned where they were accepted for residency.
Match Day is a national event where fourth-year medical students learn what institution they are paired with to complete their n
ecessary training after medical school.
The IU School of Medicine had 341 students successfully match on Match Day 2025.
IU’s Medical School is the largest in the nation. It had students match with training programs in 38 states. 109 of the 341 students will stay in Indiana for their training and 90 of those students will stay at IU.
Medical students spend four years learning how to become a physician in the classroom and in clinical rotations in the hospital. Residency programs provide “specialized training” needed to take care of patients unsupervised.
Residency programs can last three to nine years, depending on the specialty.
“Almost 43% of this year’s graduates will enter primary care residency programs, which fulfill a crucial need across Indiana and beyond,” according to an IU news release.
IU has 23 residency programs which have accepted a total of 409 students from across the country to train in the Hoosier State. 317 of those students will come from 125 different medical schools.
“Every single one of you is a success story. No matter what specialty, and wherever you’re matching, you’re going to be a doctor — and a great doctor,” Dr. Jay Hess, dean of the IU School of Medicine, said.
Dr. Bradley Allen, interim associate dean for education at the IU School of Medicine, reminded students to be thankful to the people that helped get them to this point in their career.
“We also need to thank our patients,” Allen said. “Each one of them taught us something — a unique aspect of a disease, a unique aspect of the struggles that people face day to day in trying to remain healthy.”
IU’s Match Day program included a moment for each student to announce to the crowd where they matched.
Quinn Kaurich, who matched into IU’s Internal Medicine residency, addressed the crowd as a native Hoosier.
“I know this amazing program and the people in it well,” Kaurich said. “I was born and raised in Indiana. I love serving its people.” more read less