Disturbing: Feral chickens shot with arrows on Maui
Mar 21, 2025
HONOLULU (KHON2) -- Concerns are growing on Maui after a feral chicken was found shot with an arrow on March 21.
Animal rescuers say it is not an isolated incident -- the images may be disturbing to some readers.
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Video taken in Laniupoko on Friday showed a disturbing sight. Maui Bird Rescue's president said this is not the first feral chicken that has been shot with an arrow.
"That chicken has the arrow going through its back and then out the front of its chest. So it's going through the chicken," said MBR President Lacey. "We see chickens with arrows at Long's, Safeway. A lot of grocery stores, public areas. I mean, that's just arrows."
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Lacey said she has seen other forms of abuse like blow darts being shot at pigeons, chickens being tied to a post for months and even a rooster that had been scalped in Kahului. She is not the only one.
"It's a common occurrence. A lot of the time we find the little blow darts, but same effect. Sharp, they go through the body and the chicken is running around with it," said Valley Isle Animal Rescue Cofounder Dennis Burns. "Yeah, it's just a chicken. Okay. But if you're going to do something, do it quickly. Don't make it so the thing could get away and, you know, die in suffering."
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The Humane Society said studies have shown perpetrators of animal abuse have a propensity to eventually move on to vulnerable populations of people, so the concern extends beyond those with fur or feathers.
"I know for a fact that domestic violence very much goes hand in hand with violence with pets," said MHS Chief of Operations Nikki Russell. "I do understand that there's lethal control, but there are people who are employed to do that and do it correctly. Find somebody who can help with that instead of taking it into your own hands."
"No matter what practice you have or how a lot of people will kill the animals for food and things like that, but there is a big difference between eating an animal and leaving it to suffer and be tortured," Lacey said.
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Rescuers are currently trying to catch the chicken that was found shot on Friday and will take it to a veterinarian to have the arrow removed as soon as possible. ...read more read less