What to know ahead of St. Patrick's Parade Weekend in Holyoke?
Mar 21, 2025
HOLYOKE, Mass (WWLP) - The big weekend is finally here, families from all over flock to Holyoke to celebrate the Irish culture.
"I'm looking forward to a great family friendly day in the city of Holyoke," said Holyoke Police Chief Brian Keenan.
A year's worth planning comes down to this one we
ekend, parade weekend in Holyoke.
"We come together and not only celebrate the culture of our Irish brothers and sisters, but also the culture of friendship," said Holyoke Mayor Joshua Garcia.
But before the parade even kicks off, the monumental weekend begins with the Holyoke St. Patrick's Road Race. The first event to bring the community together for the celebrations.
"One of the things I've always look forward to is shooting the gun to start the road race so I'm very excited to do that. It'll be a fun experience for sure," said the 2025 Holyoke Grand Colleen, Moira Reardon.
With a goal for everyone to have an enjoyable weekend when it comes to the Road Race and the Parade, the City of Holyoke has a few reminders for those attending both events, especially for when it comes to road closures.
For safety, many roads will be closed throughout the weekend for the road race and for the parade. For parade Sunday, a majority of the roads that will be closed are along the parade route.
The parade will kick off marching north on Northampton Street before turning right onto Beech street. It will then continue east on Appleton Street before making the final turn onto High Street.
The Committee say road closures typically begin an hour or so prior to the 11:10 am start.
Exit 15 on I-91 will also be closed by the state police.
Holyoke Police also want to remind spectators that backpacks are strongly discouraged, and both large jugs of alcohol and drones are prohibited. ...read more read less