Sioux Falls city courses open for season on Saturday
Mar 21, 2025
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) -- The city of Sioux Falls' three golf courses open for the season this weekend.
Last week, golfers were treated to a soft opening of the three city-owned courses in town.
But Saturday is the real deal for the trio of courses.
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"Tomorrow, we're going to rip the band aid off, so to speak and open up for the season, let people come out from now until we close the doors again in the late fall or winter," Sioux Falls Golf General Manager Cat Clark said.
As of about 10:30 Friday morning, about 80 people had already signed up to golf Saturday at Prairie Green Golf Course.
"If they follow us on social media, that'd be the patrons, and we have their emails in a database, then they're the first to know we open, and it's like the flick of a switch. As soon as those tee sheets go live whether it's online booking or calling with the phones everybody's thirsting for golf at this point," said Chris Lane, Prairie Green Assistant General Manager and Head Golf Professional.
Clark says a mild winter has allowed the grounds crew to get an earlier start on some tasks.
"Our grounds crew has been able to get out and do a lot of things that they normally can't do in February and March. Kudos to those guys for doing a great job all winter keeping the courses prepped. We can't put any irrigation in just yet so we are cart path only until then," Clark said.
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