With more than 500 pieces of legislation introduced this session in the Idaho Legislature, it can be hard to keep track of new bills and their potential impact. Here is some of the notable legislation that has been introduced, a
dvanced, or enacted in Idaho this week LATEST ENACTED LEGISLATIONHouse Bill 144 Sales tax, small seller exemption Idaho Gov. Brad Little signed H.B. 144 on Monday to enact a significant tax relief measure for small sellers in the state. The new law exempts qualifying small sellers, whose cumulative gross receipts from sales do not exceed $5,000, from the state's sales taxes.RELATED: Gov. Brad Little signs bill exempting small sellers from sales taxThe exemption, however, does not extend to sales of motor vehicles, trailers, all-terrain vehicles, utility-type vehicles, specialty off-highway vehicles, motorcycles intended for off-road use, snowmobiles, aircraft, vessels, alcohol, and tobacco.House Bill 59 Medical Ethics Defense Act A new law, recently signed by Idaho Governor Brad Little, will allow doctors to refuse care or procedures that violate their religious, moral or ethical beliefs in non-emergency situations. It's emergency clause means it goes into effect immediately. RELATED: New law will allow Idaho doctors to refuse care if it violates their religious beliefsIn opposition, Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates (PPPA) called on the Governor to veto the bill, writing that it will open the door to discrimination.House Bill 345 Medicaid Reform Idaho Governor Brad Little signed House Bill 345 on Wednesday which mandates that any changes to the Medicaid State Plan must receive authorization from the legislature before taking effect.RELATED: Idaho Medicaid reform bill signed into law, introduces work requirements and legislative approvalIt outlines several areas where legislative approval will be necessary, including provisions regarding rural emergency hospital designations, Medicaid cost-sharing amendments, and more. The bill also introduces work requirements for able-bodied adults enrolled in Medicaid, specifying that participants must work, study, or volunteer at least 20 hours a week to be eligible for the program.AWAITING THE GOVERNORHouse Joint Resolution 4 Narcotics, legislature authority A joint resolution, which would make it impossible for Idahoans to legalize marijuana through the state ballot initiative process, is headed for Gov. Little's desk. RELATED: Idaho Senate passes HJR 4, potentially limiting voter initiatives on marijuanaADVANCING LEGISLATIONHouse Bill 397 Education, civics instruction The Idaho House of Representatives passed a significant education reform bill on Monday aimed at enhancing civics instruction in both elementary and secondary schools. The bill now moves to the Senate for further consideration.RELATED: Idaho House passes bill mandating expanded civics instruction in schoolsH.B. 397 mandates in-depth instruction on the U.S. Constitution, the history of the American flag, the national anthem, and more. Additionally, every classroom would be required to display the U.S. flag during school hours. ...read more read less