ND v Nichole Rice trial: Witnesses testify to Rice 'confessions'
Mar 21, 2025
GRAND FORKS, ND (KXNET) — The Nichole Rice murder trial wrapped up for the week early Friday morning and is in recess until Monday, March 24 at 8:30 a.m.
Rice is accused of killing roommate Anita Knutson in a Minot apartment in 2007.
The prosecution has some witnesses flying in from out of s
tate who won't be available until Monday, one reason why trial activity Friday was limited to only four witnesses, with two claiming Rice had "confessed" to them about the killing:
April Alyea
April Aylea (Moulton):
A friend of Nichole Rice and Anita Knutson from high school days in Velva
A close friend with Anita
Testified she and group of friends got together when they were informed of Anita’s death
Stated Nichole showed up last at the gathering and was worried about her missing pink iPod.
Michelle More
Michelle Moore (Grubbs)
Anita Knutson’s best friend
Testified she saw Anita the Friday before her death
Stated she talked to Nichole at Anita’s funeral. Testified Nichole told her police were trying to "come after her" (Nichole) for Anita’s murder
Stated she told police Nichole and Anita fought, but she didn’t believe Nichole committed the murder.
William May
William May
Nichole’s ex-boyfriend
Served in the U.S. military overseas
Testified that, in 2008 at a house party, after people were discussing Anita’s death, Nichole confessed to killing Anita while "belligerently" drunk
Nichole denied making that statement the next morning
William stated he called the police the next day to tell them about Nichole’s confession and cut ties with her.
Later after returning from military service overseas, he reconnected with Nichole
Testified Nichole told him she was "cleared" by police and they started dating
Kristina Holler
Kristina Holler (Imhoff)
Friends with Nichole
Testified the two met at a 2008 house party where Nichole was crying
Stated Nichole told her she (Nichole) was being bullied about the anniversary of Anita’s death
Kristina gave her a ride home
Testified that, at Nichole's apartment that night, Nichole told her she stabbed Anita
Stated Nichole told her Anita was wearing a white bathrobe
They stayed friends for the next three months and talked about living together
Kristina testified their relationship became volatile, and controlling, and that she and Nichole would fight a lot
She stated Nichole would be upset that Kristina wanted to hang out with other friends and Nichole became angry and they fought a lot in person and through texts
Stopped being friends after a fight and she hasn’t seen Nichole since
Prosecutors said Friday they plan to call five more witnesses and then rest their case.
Presiding Judge Richard Hagar asked the defense to have one or two witnesses ready to testify on Monday.
KX News will carry the trial live when testimony resumes March 24 at 8:30 a.m.
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