Charleston County reverses decision requiring board members to take an oath of office
Mar 20, 2025
CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCBD) -- Charleston County Council reversed their original decision requiring the county's library employees and other board members to take an oath of office Thursday night.
Charleston County Council passed a motion in a 7-to-2 vote to defer the implementation of the oat
h policy until they receive clear guidance from the General Assembly. This motion reverses the previous vote requiring board members to take an oath that had passed in their last meeting.
Two weeks ago, the Charleston County Library Board asked the council to decide whether board members should take an oath of office. The library board believed it was up to the council's jurisdiction to require it. Initially, the requirement was voted down in committee.Then, at the next meeting, board members voted in favor of requiring the oath.
At Thursday's meeting, they reversed that decision to leave it up to the state general assembly.
"We learned through the last week and a half, that our clerk has been spending 24 hours a day trying to do the state's work, trying to figure out how to implement this policy of taking the oath, which we all support. Our position tonight is we need to have the general assembly and folks in Columbia give direction to all 46 counties. Charleston county should not be writing legislation for the entire. Everybody up there is in favor of taking the oath we just need to know how to do it," said Charleston County Councilmember Brantley Moody of District 7.
The motion passed with board members Jenny Honeycutt and Larry Kobrowsky voting no.Honeycutt said taking the oath comes with additional filing responsibility, documentation and ensuring people are carrying out their functions, so she understood the need for further guidance.
Kobrowsky said he believes changing their decision further complicates the matter.
"Members of the library boards as I understood were willing to take the oath, they just wanted direction we gave them that direction and the issue was settled what happened tonight they undid it, and in my opinion invited chaos and controversy," said Charleston County Councilmember Larry Kobrowsky of District 2.
Councilman Moody says the decision for reversal came from the lack of guidance that the county clerk tried to implement in this decision.
"Our clerk of Charleston County should not be doing the work of the state our legislators need to do their job and implement this for all 46 counties," said Moody.
State Senator Matt Leber told News 2 he is planning a press conference Friday at 4:30 p.m. on the steps of the Customs House. He said the Attorney General has tentatively agreed to attend and other state level elected officials will be attending.
The county will vote on Tuesday to cement the decision. more read less