Wives rallying together to support Stillwater Police Department after wildfires
Mar 20, 2025
STILLWATER, Okla. (KFOR) — Among those impacted in Friday's wildfires are the very ones who work to protect our communities every day.
"A big reason that they have nothing is because they were all at work, they were at work helping other families get out and that's why they now have nothing," s
aid Melissa Goree, organized fundraiser.
Devastating stories continue to pour in following wildfires
Some families at the Stillwater Police Department lost everything, including the Noles Family.
"Just seeing our memories and ashes, it was just a lot," said Natalie Noles, who lost their home.
Natalie's husband was on duty, evacuating others when their own home burned to the ground.
Video courtesy of Natalie Noles
"It was definitely not what I thought it was going to be when I actually put eyes on it. This is our home, this was our end game and this is where. we were going to retire," said Noles.
A group of police wives are now rallying together to raise money for those at the department.
"We know that some of them lost everything, but we also know that some of them have small needs, like food or like we have one officer who has smoke in her ducts and she needs their ducts clean," said Goree.
The families say the support from the community has been overwhelming.
"Stillwater is unique, when things that are bad happen, we all rally together," said Noles.
Goree says the wives wanted to give back because they see what these men and women go through.
"They come home to us and we get to see the struggle that a lot of other people don't get to see," said Goree.
Goree's husband says the fires took a physical and emotional toll.
"He said seeing people show back up to their neighborhoods, hoping that their home is still there and just the look on their faces when they saw that it was gone," said Goree.
Every dollar raised will go directly to supporting those in need. The funds will be fairly distributed based on individual needs.
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