How to eat healthy during National Nutrition Month
Mar 19, 2025
Editor’s Note: The transcript of this live Q&A has been edited for brevity and clarity.
AUSTIN (KXAN) -- Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that Texas has a higher obesity rate than the national average. It's one of the reasons why the Academy of Nutrition
and Dietetics recognized March as National Nutrition Month.
KXAN Midday anchors Will DuPree and Avery Travis spoke to Lily Beasley, a registered dietician with Teladoc Health on how Texans can make informed choices about the food they consume and create better habits for eating and physical activity.
Avery Travis: We want to start with a closer look at what's in our food typically, when people head to the grocery store or maybe go out to eat at a restaurant, are they getting the nutrients that they need to keep their bodies healthy?
Lily Beasley: I think we want to look at the difference between what we're getting at the grocery store versus what you're getting at a restaurant. Yes, you may be getting full and satisfied from restaurant food, but they're trying to make it taste good. So very likely you're going to see a lot of that food, even your healthier options, cooked in things like saturated fat, added sugar and sodium, which, long term, might not be that great for your health.
Avery Travis: What are some easy changes or things people might be able to swap, maybe lessening a trip to the restaurant, cooking more at home, but what are some ways that people can get those healthy nutrients in their day-to-day?
Beasley: I think looking at what your diet in your routine looks like now, and thinking about nutrition and health as health by addition, what can I add to my diet that is going to be health-promoting.
Well, maybe I'm only drinking a cup of coffee in the morning. Maybe I'll add some eggs to that breakfast meal to get a little bit of protein. that's going to be a little bit more filling in the morning. Or instead of doing a sandwich and some chips for lunch where that might kind of run through your metabolism very quickly. Let's add some fiber to that lunch to have it a little bit more filling and get some micronutrients in that meal.
DuPree: Lily sometimes people often turn to fad or crash diets to try to lose weight quickly. What are some of the impacts of that kind of dieting?
Beasley: It can cause a lot of nutrition deficiencies right off the bat. So let's take a ketogenic diet for example. You might see some very quick results in blood sugar and weight from cutting out carbohydrates, but carbohydrates are your body's main source of energy.
A lack thereof can cause fatigue and brain fog, and so the long-term effects aren't that great. In addition to that, being on such a high-fat diet for an extended amount of time can also have its own damaging effects.
DuPree: We've seen research showing a complex relationship between mental health and obesity. What would you like people to know about the link between your diet and your mental health?
Beasley: I would say that diet plays a role in your mental health. A lot of that comes from gut health regulation and nutrient deficiencies. If we are deficient or restricting heavily in certain areas, deficiencies can mimic certain signs of depression, [and] anxiety.
Especially, let's just say you're low in iron, that lethargy is going to lead you to not wanting to get around and moving your body as much, which can lead to further feelings of depression. And if we're lacking electrolytes, that might lead to more feelings of anxiety. So having a bit of balance, I know that sounds cliche, in your diet, can actually give you a lot of good benefits. more read less