Bristol County Sheriff: Girlfriend of New Bedford jail inmate threw narcotics over facility wall twice
Mar 19, 2025
NEW BEDFORD, Mass. (WLNE) — Two packages containing narcotics were found thrown over the perimeter wall of the Ash Street Jail in New Bedford over the past week, according to the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office.
The first incident occurred when security staff at the facility found a package in
the jail courtyard that contained 15 Suboxone strips.
The major assigned to the jail asked maintenance staff to search the roof the following day for any packages that might not have made it over the wall.
Another package containing 69 Suboxone strips and 15 grams of crack cocaine was discovered.
After this second discovery, an investigation was initiated and the alleged responsible inmate was identified.
The inmate’s girlfriend, Brittany Hanley, is alleged to have thrown the contraband over the wall, and to have been planning another attempt on March 18.
Surveillance footage of the jail allegedly showed Hanley circling the facility in a rented car.
Hanley is alleged to have been talking to the implicated inmate while driving, looking for the optimal time and location to throw the package.
Hanley then drove the wrong way on a one-way street, circled the block and returned to the side of the jail, according to authorities.
At this time she was pulled over by investigators.
Hanley told investigators that she had purchased 40 Suboxone strips and planned to throw them over the jail wall, according to the statement.
The strips and 8.5 grams of fentanyl were allegedly found in her possession.
Another half gram of fentanyl was allegedly found in Hanley’s car by a K-9 unit.
Hanley is charged with multiple counts including possession with intent to distribute a Class B substance and conspiracy.
She was arraigned Wednesday.
The inmate will be placed on Administrative Separation Order pending investigation.
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